My Camera and the NDP rehersals
Okay, okay....I admit, I'm bored.
What what do you expect a guy to do on a Saturday night when he has no where to go? Well, he thinks of stupid entry titles that sounds ala Harry Potter; i.e Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Hence, the latest one......My Camera and the NDP rehersals.
Anyway, back to the topic. As I was watching TV tonight (anybody from MediaCorp reading this......screw you!! There's nothing good to watch on TV on a Saturday night!!!!), suddenly I heard a thunderous roar close to my home.
And at that point, I just remember that the National Day Parade rehersals are being conducted at the Padang. Immediately, I whipped out my trusty and oh-so-precious digicam; and manage to take these pics from my kitchen....
Some nights, I just stare out from my house and nice if I was working there. CBD, the best place to be working. Imagining myself as one of those hotshots executives, living life in the fast lane, presenting Marketing and Sales ideas to Corporate Directors......thats the life I want.