Oh man, where do I begin? Its been really a while now since I have managed to update my blog. And to be honest, I really miss it.
These days, every night when I come home, all I wanna do is hit the sack. And on every weekends, all I wanna do is stone in front of the idiot box. Guess since, its public holiday today (Singapore National Day) - which dont really come by often......this is a good time as any other to finally update my blog.
So, back to the same question....where do I begin? Maybe its time to do a reflection on how things have been for the past couple of months.
So, lets go.
Since I left M1, there's been much turbulent times. Not what I was expecting, my new job has taken a turn for rough seas.
I find myself stubling from one mistake to another and really strggling to find my "Marketing" foot. Most of the times, I learn things from making mistakes rather than being point the right direction. Sure, one can argue making mistakes is fine and you'll learn from it and other bla bla bla reasons. But when you're working for a perfectionist, mistakes are things that you cannot afford.
Though, I do have my reprieves at times. Small little things that makes my day a little bit better. As I mentioned in my previous post.....I really pamper myself when we finished one major project at work. So, I'm gonna touch on one of my favourite subjects...FOOD!!!
First off...my boss took us to a Japanese restauraunt along East Coast, Waraku. My take on it? Good food; and affordable considering the posh settings. The selection was pretty extensive. And not to mention the unique little desserts that we ordered. I have seen these assortments of desserts before, but never really had the chance to try it.
This dish looks like an apple, no? Its actually ice-cream with chocolate in the center!
And at that following weekend...boy oh boy did I slurge on food.
There was a trip to Ma Maison's. I have nothing but praise for this place. Its really one of those cozy/unique/contemporary restaurants. And the best part? They serve fusion food....to be exact, Western Japanese food. Weird huh? Anyhow, I was only there for something light and some drinks. Still...I'm definately going back there for a hearty main course! *wanna try da escargos*
And finally.....the muther of all meals and dinners. Which literally shove a wooden stake thru my wallet's heart. Non other than Ah Yat Abalone. And trust me.....it was WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!!
Well, its thru that I might be crying all the way to the bank. But hey....once you have a taste of their food.....sheer heaven.
When I was there, me and my friend ordered the set dinner. They had several different sets on menu, though being me; I decided to aim for the top few. The set I chose consist of a 6 course meal (I think).
I was so indulged in my food that I only remembered to take 1 pictures of my dinner. However, what surprised me the most is the fish!!! I was generally expecting the best dish out of the 6 was the abolone, but when I finally had the chance to taste the fish....its one of the BEST I have ever tasted!!!! My friend told me its was they call "snow fish"... of course this is the dialect or nickname of the fish. I have no idea of its actual name.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moving on, something related to food as well.......I had 2 really good dinners over the weekend.On Sunday, I was invited to attend the Joo Chiat National Day Dinner at the Neptune restaurant along Collyer Quay. Must admit, it was my first "political dinners" and I had no idea what to expect. Naturally there were alot of politicians and Grass Root Leaders. These are more or less like our Assembly men back in Malaysia. And then, there was of course the Guest of Honor which is Mr. Chan Soo Sen, a Member of Parliament for the Joo Chiat Constituency.It was a surreal experience. No doubt the on-stage performances was really entertaining, but I felft akward everytime they asked everyone to stand up and sing the Singapore National Day song and anthem. With that, I was still cool about it. But then........the one thing that left me speechless the most. Reciting the Singapore Pledge!I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not exactly in love with my home country and at the same time you don't see me knocking on doors to apply for Singapore citizenship. Still, it just feels weird from a foreigner's point of view.Nuff' said. One thing is confirmed. If I was ever to be caught on video or tape....I'll never be able to run for Malaysian politics. Ever. For god's sakes, I even had a funky neon-light blinking Singapore flag-badge pasted on my shirt the entire night!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And lastly, the dinner that made me happiest in months. As usual....steamboat at home. Had the usual gang over for steamboat and it was really good to see all of them again. I even manage to go back to M1 in the afternoon before the steamboat. I was so happy and nostalgic to see all my ex-colleagues and bosses. As usual, my ex-bosses are as supportive as ever. Really miss all of them.Then later, went to Carrefour with Donald to pick up the food...and little did we know....we bought too much. Haha.
In the end, I really enjoyed myself. I was only thinking.....how nice if everyday could be like that.