Well, I guess as much...that I've been so busy lately that the only time when I am able to update my blog is when I fall sick and report for M.C. So here I am....
Its been really hectic lately. Hectic to the extent that I don't have much time for myself these days. Rather than updating my blog, I spend alot of time writing articles for the company newsletter. Initially it only began with 1 article. Thats what I thought. Now, I'm suppose to submit 3 articles every month, and at the same time, design the web layout for the newsletters. And with the morons at work scheduling me to work the 11.30pm shifts, I'm going out of my mind. Its been almost 3 weeks now, that I have been working this stupid shift.
Still, things aren't so bad. I have been busy for good reasons I guess. I've been going out quite a bit these days. If I knew myself better.....I think I'm starting to have a life here in Singapore. I used to think that my life in Singapore revolves around work and nothing else.
So what have I been up to? Well....lets start with the recent wedding's I have attended. First, there was Justin and Jasmine's wedding. And then there was Philip and Wendy's wedding.
It was really a shame that I didn't manage to take some photos with the brides and bridegrooms. However, atleast during the wedding dinners, I manage to meet up with ex-colleagues. Here's one with me and Rena.
Here's Me, Sean, Ah Ho, Angela and Chun.
It was really nice to see them again. Rena, Marcel and Siew Chi...who have just came back from Hong Kong recently. She was there for almost 3 months.
And here we are.....feeling fresh and having breakfast on a Sunday morning. We were there from 10am till 12.30pm. It was really nice to see all of them again.
And then from Suntec, we ran further to the Esplanade and finally ending the race at BoatQuay. It was realli tedious and straineous for me. Still, it was a whole lot of fun! The team I was in was really spectacular. Each member's strenght complimented the team and it also covered up for each other's weaknesses. We manage to solve puzzles and completed many of the games and task efficiently. With a team like that? It was no doubt we won the race!!! It was really satisfying and it was worth all the pain, sweat and work. Sigh.....sweet victory!
So here I am now.....the only time I could update my blog is when I report for M.C. Then again, I guess it can only mean one thing.
I have a life.
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