Warning: Fanatic on the loose. Read at own risk
okie. let me say that again.
*ahem* let me catch my breath and pick up my jaw.
Last night, I managed to get my paws on a copy of the heavily anticipated Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (AC) CGI movie.
It was only released in Japan on the 14th Sept and I was lucky enough to have seen it last night. And for all those years that AC fanboys have been waiting for???
It was worth every single nano-second baby!!!!!!!!!! The movie is simply fantastic from minute 1 till the end. The action scenes were out of this world!! It was insane!!! To put it in better terms....it was....
I might sound like a young boy who've just watched some Disney cartoon for the first time. But for any anime fan out there, this is a definate must watch!
Anyway, the story revolves around an anti-hero by the name of Cloud Strife. Basically, its about this dude going around saving lifes and bla bla bla.....hey, if the CG is this beautiful, who cares about the story line? I was clapping my hands and giving it a standing ovation at the end of the movie.
Errr.....hehe....sounds stupid right? Giving a standing ovation in the middle of the night in my room? Hmmmmmm......
All I can say is....to all my anime freaks out there.....go watch AC now!!!! I'd give this movie.......10 THUMBS way way way UP!!!!!!!
ever wonder where all these comments all come from?!?!?!
Friggin comment spammers!!!
yeah, idiotic spammers! i got it too and delete them all away. btw, the screenshot of FF looks great!i wanna watch it too : )
This is your brother.........burn me a copy ......when you are coming back to Penang.....my download speed on broadband is a frigging 936bytes....ouch.
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