Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
My "Wife"
Let me introduce you all "wife".
So I guess, there's no wonder why I have not been blogging for the pasr few days. Have spent every waking minute fine tuning and "tweaking" her.
Just look at her. Isn't she a beauty. Here are some of her figures......
1 Gig RAM
80 Gig RAM
Leadtek 256 MB PX6200 TC Graphic Card
16X Philips DVD-RW
Wireless Logitech LX300 Mouse and Keyboard
ViewSonic 19-inch LCD Panel
And now.......I'm thoroughly satisfied. Still, there's one or 2 glitches here and there. But I'm confident that I'll get them sorted out pretty soon. She might not be the fastest and most powerful PC there is, but I guess its a big leap from my old Pentium 4 laptop. And the best part.......19-inch LCD!!!!!!!!!
Talk about the real-estate!!!!!!~
Anyway, enough about my "wife". I would like to blog about my recent trip back to Penang. Everytime I come back from a holiday I would like to pen down a few things as I like to read about them and remind myself of home......
The weather was generally wet at this time of year in Penang. Raining almost everyday, I was kinda glad I had my old PBU 6682 Nissan Sunny to drive. Though I am contemplating of getting a new car soon.
And after dinner, where do me and
Well, thats about what me and my brothers did most of the nights. Sipping coffee, catching up with each other's lives. Just like the good old times. And the best part is......there's not pretenciousness, no pleasing, no fake smiles. We're just a couple of "brothers"........
And in a blink of an eye, I'm back in Singapore. And whats the first thing I caught my attention?
I think I just found heaven of Earth!
ramblings by.,,
8:44 PM
Friday, November 25, 2005
Can I kansel my "ling tung"??
ramblings by.,,
11:49 PM
Monday, November 21, 2005
Guess where am I?
ramblings by.,,
4:00 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Blissfully Bliss Cafe
Went to Kovan today after work to buy some stuff and met up with Rena for dinner. As usual, I always regard Rena as a master of the culinary arts as she always knows the best places to eat with fantastic atmosphere. And I tell you, the place she took me to tonight had an ambience that it simply.......jaw dropping.
Rena intro-ed me to a place called Bliss Cafe around the Hougang area. I have to admit, the al fresco dining area over looking the Punggol Lake is one of the best I have seen in Singapore.
Even though I have to admit the place is quite ulu, but I really like the feeling of serenity where its away from it all. I will definately patronise this place again.As for the food, its not all that bad either. We started off with mash potatoes for the apettizer and Rena had the Spagetti, while I had the Chicken Gratin. Though the price can be considered pricey for some, the portion I guess is quite generous. One thing that impresses me whenever I go to an eatery is the speed of the service. I hate it when you have to literally wait for hours after making your order. For Bliss Cafe, the speed was impeccable. About 10 minutes after we made our orders, the first dish arrived.
After dinner, Rena and me spent some time chatting away sipping on ice cold camomile tea. Its the first time I tried the tea and I like it alot! Its kinda like jasmine tea....but sweeter.
Hehehehehe.... gee, I'm starting to sound like a village kid. Like I never had tea before.But still, I guess its another fun outing with Rena. Always nice to talk to and always considerate. A definate great companion to hang out with.....especially when eating!!! If there's ever a book called Singapore's Best Kept Secrets (Food Edition).....she should be the author!
After dinner, I then proceeded to River Valley to meet up with Franklin and Donald at Spicez!!!!! The SLUT brothers!!! Laughing and joking non-stop, its always fun being around these 2. Most of the time we talk about x-rated jokes......and err.....errr......
Sheesh.....seems like when we're together thats all we ever talk about. Heee.......
ramblings by.,,
12:14 AM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Fast car, food and.....errr, sparkling juice?
I havent had so much fun in office for a long, long time.

ramblings by.,,
9:03 PM
Thursday, November 10, 2005
ramblings by.,,
11:06 PM
Doom with Bread & Eggs
Finally recovering. Seems like the leak in my nose has been plugged.
ramblings by.,,
4:53 PM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Another day, another rant
ramblings by.,,
10:48 PM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Better than your average Sunday
And here I thought it was going to be a boring day......
Well, I'm glad to report it aint all that bad!
Was suppose to be working today, but apparently I had to clear my National Day OIL. So I guess, I had not much choice but take leave today. Personally, given a choice, I'd rather use the OIL on some other day.
Anyway, like I've mentioned, I thought it was mostly going to be another boring Sunday at home. But then....I decided to take on a small little project that I have been putting off for quite some time now. I cant actually disclose what I was up to, but it dealt with some tech stuff and I spent the entire day trouble shooting it! It was fun. The moment I got it to work, i felt DAMN SATISFIED.
So far, it has been quite an interesting week for me. Time really passed by quite fast and I finally had my year-end appraisal done! I was dreading it all this while as it supposedly will determined my bonus!!~ I really have to admit, the bonus given out by my company is one of the best in Singapore. Hence, tensions ran high and thats why you can see how important this appraisal is to me.
Still, I guess it went well. The only thing that I wasn't really comfortable is that this year's appraisal was actually done by a new manager that just joined us about 2 to 3 mths back. In a way, this manager couldnt have known the work I have done thruout the past year and how could he give an accurate appraisal? Though, I guess the consolation was that I was informed the bottom line of the appraisal was done thru a collective consideration of ALL the managers.
Guess I can't argue with that.
In the end, I am quite satisfied with the review. But read me right. QUITE satisfied, not satisfied.
As usual, I was having my TV dinner again. On air was DareDevil. Its been a while since I saw this movie and I guess its just another one of those pop-corn movies that defies logic. However, what came to mind was the controversy that this movie caused years back when it was released. I remember the Malaysian government banned this movie as it had the word "Devil" in the title. Being a Muslim country, it cant be helped. I still think its a ridiculous idea to ban the movie, but its funny to see the movie being shown here....on TV!
You gotta love Singapore. And you know whats even more hilarious? I bought the original DareDevil VCD in Singapore but sadly the only one allowed to be sale is the censored version. But now the one airing on TV is the un-censored version!!!! What the?!?!!?!?!?! about ironic!
Lastly, I would like to say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to 2 very special gals in my life!!!!!
:) I have a strange feeling that I have an affinity with people who are born on the 6th of November. The latter is a sister I never had and the former is one of the closest and special person I have come to known in this world. Too bad I can't celebrate her birthday with her. She's in Shanghai now for training.
Anyhoo....Happy Birthday GIRLS!
ramblings by.,,
9:47 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Happy Birthday......Idiot! Haha!
Well, its that time of the year again. 5th November. I guess this is the start of many birthday wishes in my blog.
And the first here is one of the few close friends that I made while I was in college.
Brian Alexander Baptist.
Thats a mouthful huh?
I was browsing thru my old college photos and this is the only one I could really find that had a decent photo of me and Brian. Man....look at me. Look at that hair. Sheesh.....i'm an embarassment.

The 2 poster boys for Nerds-R-Us
All I remembered of college society is there was really alot of pretentious people. People who only want to hang out with the popular kids. Some would go to great lenghts and suck up to those who were popular. I'm thinking all of you that are reading this right now, know what I'm talking about. Pretentious ASSes that speaks in an accent even when none of them have even been abroad.
Still, I guess me and Brian didnt cared much about popularity. We were true to ourselves and just had fun during college. Call us nerds, call us dweebs, and we're proud of it!
Haha....but mind you. Brian really have a sharp tougue. I remembered the first time when I got to know him. He was kind of an introvert. Really kept to himself. But when you start to get to know him?
I said this to him before and I'll say it again. When you really get to know this guy; the problem is not getting him to talk.....but its getting him to shut up!!!!!!!
Anyway....again. Brian, if you're reading this.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....Idiot (his favourite word)!
ramblings by.,,
12:11 AM
Friday, November 04, 2005
Mad Teen-Singapore RUSH
The word's out.
Zouk have just been renovated and the timing's pefect. Its a Wednesday night which means its Ladies Night and its the eve of a public holiday.
And what do you get? Pandemonium.
For me and a few of my ex-colleagues, we were actually just planning for a simply night out. A small reunion of sorts. Then oblivious to us, we decided why not kill 2 birds with one stone. Have a night out clubbing and at the same time have ourselves a small reunion.
So, Rena and Siew Chi were there early cos the were already there with some friends. Basically Me and Marcel went there after work which was almost around 10pm.
But when we got there.........Siau eh!!!! Almost every 20 something Singaporean was there!!!! It was as if Zouk had free drinks and cover that night! There was easily hundreds of people. People were seen lining up from hundreds of meters away. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought Disneyland Singapore just opened.
Instantly, me and Marcel changed our minds about clubbing. Since Rena and Siew Chi was already in queue.......Me and Marcel had to make some minor changes to our plans.
So from this..................
Apparently someone said there was a free all-you-can-eat buffet at Zouk. All hell broke loose
to this. Sians........ No Zouk...then Zorro la!!
ramblings by.,,
5:01 PM
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Attack of the Monsters!!!!!!!!!!
Run for your lives!!!!!!!!
The call center is attacked by monsters!!!!
1 day after Holloween, the undead has been spotted terrorising the call center staff! And oddly enough, some of these monsters were also seen distributing sweets, chocolates and candy.
Still, I was lucky enough to survive the attack and bring you these exclusive photos. Many has not survive and live another day to tell this story.....
Seen here, I manage to get up close and personal with these 2 ghastly creatures.....the sesat (lost) Alien, Sadako and another one.....which what I can only describe as the Grim Reaper. And regardless, nobody was spared from the wrath of Sadako!!!!!
But then again......thats my call center. One never knows what lurks in the halls of the call center. Some CSO's are simply mutated from the freak radio-active headsets that were provided to us.
Ladies and Gentlemen...this is what you will look like after working 5 years in a call center attending to screaming and shouting morons and idiots. Even the sesat Alien needs to destress himself and have himself a cig....
At the end of the day, though, after having close brushes with these ghastly creatures.....they suddenly stopped and posed for the camera!!!
Happy Holloween and Deepavalli!!!!~
ramblings by.,,
11:21 PM