Fast car, food and.....errr, sparkling juice?
I havent had so much fun in office for a long, long time.
Its been a whilce since Cluster BRAVO had a celebration of this magnitude. After failing to hit the quaterly targets, this time around, the we REALLY had a reason to celebrate.
For the past 2 consecutive quaters, we're finally back at it again and what's the first thing on everyone's mind again?
I started work about 9am yesterday. Eargerly anticipating to prepare for the BBQ, the bloody SL started to crash and everything else have to take a back seat.
Fortunately, around 1pm, the SL recovered and the managers allowed me and Ho to be logged out to go to Giant for grocery shoppin. And to my surprise........Boss allowed me to use his car to get the goods!!!!!
WoooOOOOoohOOoOOoO!!! Boss is the best! Its been a while since I have driven and Boss was nice enough to let me drive his Alfa Romeo 156!!!!! Its a damn solid high performance vehicle with really fantastic handling. I really love the steptronic gear system that allows the driver to toggle between manual and auto. Immediately I suddenly have the urge to make up my mind and buy a car back in Penang; something that I have longed been contemplating.
Anyway, when me and Ho finally came back with the foodstuff......let the party begin!!!!!!
It was really fun this time around. We really had TONNES of food and we couldnt finish all of it.
We had fried noodles, curry, satay, beef kebab, prawns, crabs, crab stick, fish balls, chicken wings, hotdogs, BBQ-ed garlic bread, otah and loads of other things. And of course, not fogetting Cluster BRAVO's BBQ Must have tradition......BBQ-ed marshmallos!!!!!!! I tell you, these things are FANTASTIC!!! If you havent tried before, take my word for it....its really GOOD!!!

I realy missed having these Cluster BBQs. Like Miki said, time really flies. It just seemed like yesterday when the old Rec-Com team was organising another BBQ. Me, Rena, Alvin, Aimee and few others were rushing here and there getting things done. But I have to admit, after organising 3 BBQs in the past, we're much more experienced this time. We could start the fire going in no time and from there on it was a blast. Colleagues joking, chatting, having fun and as usual, Cheah is still over zealous about his BBQ skills with chicken wings. Somethings never change.
Though, one thing I really wanted to add is that after this event, I realised how blessed I am to have great managers. The 2 in mind is Mei Ling and Alzari. They have been really understanding and allowed me and the other Rec-Comm members to make this event a success. They are the most supportive managers any staff could ever wished for. And one day, when I leave this job, I would sorely missed having managers like them...cos I know I will never find any other managers like those 2.

And Alvin being himself, I have no idea if he was drunk from the sparkling juice, he started his nonsense and left everyone in stiches..... from his famous words......

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