Boy, its been a week. Where do I even begin?
First off, I had a visitor from Penang roughly about a week ago. My old pal from college Rosalind was in town for a short holiday. Must really say, its nice to see her again. Old friends always warms the heart.
As usual, took her around to the sights and sounds of Singapore while her boyfriend Benjamin had to attend training.
Though I felt kinda bad as I unintentionally brought her to a place that I was literally hooked on! The IT Fair at Suntec!!!!!!
Heaven. Thats all I can say. I was in Heaven and I didnt wanted to leave!!!!! Every part of my body was itchin to reach for the spanking new credit card I received in the mail just the night before!
At first, I resisted temptation......but sadly....sigh. I went back to the PC fair that following weekend and got me a 200GB portable harddisk!!! Wahahahahaha!!! Guess, I'm technologically cursed. I'm damned to be weak
It was really insane on the last day of the fair. There were literally thousands of people. It was reported in the news that one of the days alone, it hit about 10,000 visitors. And the odd thing is, when I was there........the elderly made a large portion of the visitors!!! I could see these old men and old ladies coming in and out buying printers, LCD monitors, digital cameras...etc. I CAN make old dogs learn new tricks (no offence to the old folks...just a manner of speech).
Anyway, the other day I was introduced to a great dining place in town called My Secret Garden. Alan brought me and Don there for a few drinks and of course, the ambience of the place was simply fantastic. To think there was such a place located right in the heart of town. Will definately pay a second visit to that place again. Thats.....errr....if I can ever get a date. Hehe.
And as for work, I guess I had a taste of normal working life for this week. I'm scheduled to be on the 9am shift this week and....muraculously its from Mondays to Fridays! So, I have my Saturdays and Sunday off!!!!!! I cant believe it!!!! It might not be a big deal to alot of you....but I seriously cant remember when was the last time I was off on Saturdays and Sundays! Back to back!!!! The thought of it.....*shudders*. Hehe....guess this is the preview of my future....errr....employment.
Still, whenever I work on morning shifts, I feel that I never have enuff sleep. Everynight I'm reluctant to go to bed early and I'll end up stone-ing at work. Sigh. But seriously...its also been along time since I left the office while there is still daylight! Haha!
Though, on a more serious note. I would like to mention my deepest condolences to Samantha for the passing of her grandmother.
Attended the wake on Monday night to pay my respects. Kinda reminded of my own grandmother's funeral a few years back. She was the only grandparent I knew. And I remembered I was sobbing like a small boy on one of the prayer nights. I remembered they told me that, that particular night is when my grandmother's spirit came to see us for the last time.
For some reason.......I could really feel that my grandma was there. Over-looking us. And inside of me; I knew that was goodbye.
Guess when faced with death, life seems really short huh? Really makes us appreciate life more....and also makes us realise that we really have to make the best of the time given to us.
God speed...