Down & Out after the BBQ
I hate this feeling. The frail, sickly, weak and feverish feeling. It also feels like I constantly have a 24 hour headache. And here I was....thinking that it would be a fantastic day since that the first thing I saw when I left the house for work yesterday was a rainbow.

Sigh.......seems like this year I have been falling sick alot.
In retrospect, whenever I fall sick, it always present an opportunity for me to take an MC. But this time around, its been more of a irritation.
Anyway, I only have myself to blame. Cant say I've been exactly living a healthy lifestyle. Living alone, sacrifices have to be made when it comes to daily meals. One cant be fussy and just eat whatever's avaliable. And not to mention the weekly routine of cleaning up the house. Week after week, I'm getting lazier and have been neglecting the house chores.
Still, already feeling feverish at work yesterday, I decided to stay back to help out with the cluster's BBQ. And of course, contributed to my feel-like-shit fever today.
Though, no doubt I suffered thru the night with my leaky nose, guess it was kinda fun. Half the time my head was spinning like mad, but I guess its well worth the time spent with my colleagues.

Me and mah sista!

The Brat Pack
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