First Attempt at Cooking.....well...sorta
Warning: The following images might not be suited for the faint hearted....or the weak stomach. Viewer discretion is advised.
Seeing that I am on the 3pm shift today, I woke up kinda early and decided to.....cook.
I know, I know......the sky's falling. But I decided to attempt to cook today. And seeing that I have approximately 1Kg of prawns sitting in my freezer (don's ask me why do I have 1Kg of prawns), might as well, have a go at it.
Staring at the prawns, I have no idea what to cook. So, I guess the only thing I could do throw everything into the pan and see what happens.
So here we go. The chronology of my attempt at cooking a prawny dish.
Step 1: Thaw the friggin prawns.

Step 2: De-shell the prawns and beat up the couple of eggs. (same here...dun ask me why I decided to beat up a couple of eggs. Just felt like the right thing to do. Frying prawns just doesnt seem interesting enuff. :P)

Step 3: Fry up some frozen dumplins I bought some time ago - hey, since I'm frying some stuff, might as well fry some dumplings right?

Step 4: Stir fry da prawns!!!

Step 5: Voila!!! Dumplings with...errr......egg-cum-prawns omellette!!!

Hehe....cant say it tasted good or bad. And its not really appetizing to look at. And in many ways, it looked downright disgusting!!!
As for the taste-test. Err...well, I'm still here. Alive. Breathing. No food-poisoning and no MC. *phew* Guess it was edible. Hehe.
Well, for a first attempt at cooking, even if it wasnt real cooking...but was kinda fun. Though, until now I'm not too sure if the dish I cooked was considered a real dish to begin with....but we can always call it......fusion food for now!!

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