Corporate Buyout
Over night BILLIONAIRES. Thats what's on everbody's mind right now. Its not about being rich. Its not about the 7 digit figures anymore.
Its more like being...insanely rich.
Yup, I'm refering to Chad and Steve. Owners of YouTube. And seriously? If you havent heard of YouTube? Reality check. You've been living under a stone. Shoot yourself. In the head. Twice. Geez....why bother. I'd shoot you myself.
Anyway, these selft proclaimed Internet Video kings have made a pretty penny for themselves. And the reason.....Google. Just less than 48 hours ago, YouTube have been bought over by Google for a whopping US$ 1.6billion. me right, US$ 1.6 billion. With this move, I guess Google's in the run for one of the most versatile search engine yet.
The best part of the whole story is the price that Google paid for the acquisition. Just think about it.....YouTube has only been established for 2 years. Which means, in just merely 2 years.....this company has grown from a backyard video sharing project, to America's Fortune 500! Its totally unbelievable.
Trust me, 2 years financier or investor in his right mind would ever predict how fast YouTube would grow. Of course, YouTube owes its growth to videos like these.....
Apparently this particular clip was the MOST viewed video in its server. With over 33 million views in just 6 months. Hehe....really alot of free people out there.
On another note....well, I finally got my last pay cheque from my ex-employer. Thank God. Its been a seriously harrowing experience all together, and I'm really glad that I'm able to close this chapter in my life and move on. If you'd ask me....I have nothing to do with that company anymore. Its more like being...insanely rich.
Yup, I'm refering to Chad and Steve. Owners of YouTube. And seriously? If you havent heard of YouTube? Reality check. You've been living under a stone. Shoot yourself. In the head. Twice. Geez....why bother. I'd shoot you myself.
Anyway, these selft proclaimed Internet Video kings have made a pretty penny for themselves. And the reason.....Google. Just less than 48 hours ago, YouTube have been bought over by Google for a whopping US$ 1.6billion. me right, US$ 1.6 billion. With this move, I guess Google's in the run for one of the most versatile search engine yet.
The best part of the whole story is the price that Google paid for the acquisition. Just think about it.....YouTube has only been established for 2 years. Which means, in just merely 2 years.....this company has grown from a backyard video sharing project, to America's Fortune 500! Its totally unbelievable.
Trust me, 2 years financier or investor in his right mind would ever predict how fast YouTube would grow. Of course, YouTube owes its growth to videos like these.....
Apparently this particular clip was the MOST viewed video in its server. With over 33 million views in just 6 months. Hehe....really alot of free people out there.
I'm happy with where I am, and most importantly I'm with the company of good friends. So much so that we had a small dinner the other day that really brought back memories.
There used to be this particular stall in West Coast Road where it serves a mean dish of Koh Loh Yok and claypot noodles. Trust me, its really good. But just a few months ago, we heard the coffeeshop it was operating in closed down.
So, just when we thought that we had had our last Koh Loh Yok......we got wind that the stall had moved to Teban Gardens. Immeadiately 3 words came to mind....MAI THU LIAU!!!!!!

Man...most satisfying....slurp!!!
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