Have yourself......a merry christmas....
♪Jingle balls, jingle balls....♪
♪Hanging on the wall....♪
♪One is big, one is small...♪
♪Just like........(I'll leave the ending to your imagination)♪
Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!
I know I haven't been updating my blog as often these days, but I have been seriously busy and of course the mid-afternoon shift doesnt help my poor time management at all.
Well, where do I begin? Its been a real wild week and of course, there has been alot of ups and downs.
For starters, I managed to catch Choronicals of Narnia! I guess what I can say is what everyone is saying....it sure damn hell has alot of similarities to Lord of the Rings. Though, this movie is the goodie-goodie-two-shoes version. To sum it up, this is what I think of it....
Moving on, another thing that I went thru this week was my apparent denial of being the Chief Editor for my company's newsletter for next year. I won't go into details, but basically there was alot of politics involved. Though, to me of course; is one less headache to worry about.
And then there's the Christmas Celabrations in my office just a few hours ago!
I had a hand in organising this year's Christmas celebrations. So, being the glutton I am, we ordered lamb, chicken, beef and turkey! And to top it all off, we also ordered some log cakes just to get into the mood of things.
Later on, the "Jedi" and the "Sith Lord" of the department had a little argument on who would get the last piece of lamb. In many ways, it was inevitable and the Light and Dark side of the force clashed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the epic duel between Darth Ho and Obi-Al-Vin!!!
So there you have it folks. My past week that has lead me up to this merry old Chritsmas Day.
On a side note, I was working until 9pm on Christmas Eve. And everywhere I go, I see people having plans to celebrate the countdown. And as for me, even as I am not working on Christmas (which is already a blessing)...have no where to go. Especially during Christmas, its the time that you spend it with your loved ones.....just one of those special times of the year.
And of course, I have no one to spend it with. Sigh. Even one of my close colleagues just asked me today.
"Sonny, why don't you have a girlfriend? I see you come to work, go home and come to work again the next day"
I was really amazed she asked me this question. This colleague of mine is really a nice lady with 2 children. And she asked me the above question.
I had no idea how to answer her.
Back to the point, I was talking to alot of people and as they have it, alot of people are attending parties, clubbing and all sorts of activities. Though, maybe I might be getting old, but even as lonely as I feel, but I'm kinda glad I'm not part of the masses, crowding in town, squeezing among human traffic, suffocating my balls in clubs.
In the end of it all, I ended up with an "activity". And it was a pleasant one at that. I cant reveal how I actually spent my Christmas countdown, but I can definately tell you I was in the company of really great friends. It wasnt lavish, it wasnt grand.....but we had fun.
What could have been a lonely countdown at home, turned out to be quite an enjoyable time. Really a pleasant surprise.
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