Save the day
Ok folks! Its finally over!. I'm out! *claps*
Man, its been a long run. Finally yours truly is out of the cluster's Buddy System and sad to say, I'm not "moulding" young minds to be competent CSOs anymore.
In a way, from what was expected to only last for 2 months, streched on to almost a year. Still, I'm glad to see that all the new recruits that was under me and my buddies' tutelage have grown to be able and efficient CSOs.
As for me, on a personal level....its been satisfying and rewarding. From their very first days, looks of moronic expressions and stares of blurness haunts me whenever I go to work. But now...its all good, baby. Its all good.

Cluster B.R.A.V.O Buddy System 2005
On another note, I finally got my BONUS!!!!
WOoOOoOoOHoOoOOoOoO!!!!~~~ $$$ come to papa! Initially, I had sOOoOoOOo many plans for my bonus this year. Thoughts of holidays, shopping sprees and food fiestas filled my mind. I know, I know.....those of you who know me is probably thinking....."What other gadget is this freak going to buy this time?"
But....... fortunately the cash was in my bank account for less than 24 hours. see, ever heard of the phrase, "A fool and his money will soon be parted"? Well, this fool aint taking chances.
I have made a commitment to myself that I will be making something out of this year's bonus. Maybe buy a house in Penang or something like that. But however, I also know that the longer the money stays in Singapore, the higher the chances that I'm gonna do something stupid with it. So, 'nuff said....I transferred it back to Penang.
Thank God for creating Internet Fund transfers.
But seriously, to be honest my mood has been kinda rotten for the past few days. And basically, customers calling in these days with an IQ of a 9 year old isn't helping. From assholes to morons and idiots, it gets worse each day. EVERYONE wants a free phone.
If I'd know it better, I'm working for the Welfare Department of the Rich and Ignorant. I truly believe there's a medical term of how stupid these people can get. Look it up in the medical dictionary....its under moronis ignoramus.
Also, recently there have been a few people that have been getting on my nerves as well. I know some of them have good intentions, but they're execution seriously needs re-consideration.
Still, the funny thing is; no matter how bad my mood has been for the past few days, something always turns out for the better. I guess these days I'm more......positive and optimistic. I find myself looking things differently these days.
Something always seems to save the day. Something that makes it a little bit more...bearable.
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