Happy New Year and the Die-Die-Must-Eat Nasi Lemak
Seems like I have lost the passion for blogging these days. And come to think of it....I've lost the passion for many things.
Was off today, and at the back of my head, I knew there were alot of other things I should be doing. But instead; I slacked thru the entire day watching 10 episodes of House.
Also, un-charateristically of me; I took half day leave yesterday. Typically when I go to work, even so that the Service Level is good and half day leave is offered....I would stay. Then again like I've said; I've lost passion for many things.
Though, the half day came at a very dramatic expense I would say. Initially, the management could only offer half day to a few limited staff....hence, a ballot was conducted. Firstly, one particular CSO got the half day. Then, he rejected it and wanted to give it to his wife (also another CSO). In the end, the wife didnt want to take the half day and both of them ended up quarrelling. Talk about being petty. Consequently, what happened next really pissed me off.
One CSO came to me and said,"Hey Sonny. You got the hald day right? Do you really need it?"
In my head I was like, "What the?!?!!?". Of course I needed it!! Why else would I apply for it?!?!
Still, to be honest I didnt really had to take the half day. Its just the way this CSO approached me. Damn bloody condescending.
Hmmm....seems like I'm getting abit sore, huh? I also dunno why. But trust me, I'm trying to figure it out.
Amusingly, when you are granted to take half day leave, you instantaneously also becomes public enemy number 1. With envy eyes staring at you, its an uncomfortable feeling. Still, I didnt let it bother me much.
So, would anyone like to know how was my New Year Eve countdown? Well for starters, it was boring.......but pleasant.
Rather than cramming my balls thru a sea of new year ravellers, I decided to...stay in office. Here's how it went.
9.00pm - Finished work and logged off after follow up on a few cases.
9.30pm - Had a friendly PSP match of BurnOut with Ho.
11.00pm - Slacked around office and start sending our New Years' SMSes.
11.55pm - Getting ready for the countdown with 8 other officers on duty that night.
12.00am - Happy New Year.
12.30pm - Went to Boon Lay Central for supper with Boss Alzari and Ho.

1.00am - Discovered this REALLY good Nasi Lemak in Boon Lay. They call it the Die-Die-Must-Eat-Nasi-Lemak-POWER.

This is the first meal I had in 2006. Yup, I can tell its going to be one "healthy" year.
2.30am - Got home and took a bath. Went to sleep.
Thats about it.
Its been a difficult last few days. I have no idea why but my head has been spinning so badly and in my heart I'm hoping for it to be a good year ahead.
At work, there has already been 4 resignations within the first 3 days. Who knows how many more will come.
I'm looking for something. I have no idea what it is. And the only thing I can do now is to sit and wait.....cos, how can you look for something when you dont even know what it is?
Lets just hope......it will be a better year that comes along.
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