Rotten Cab Drivers!!!
Boy, it has been quite a day and things can't seem to get any better today.....
Woke up today feeling kinda groggy and flu-ish. Been sneezing like mad and my nose feelings like a tap that has sprung a leak!
Nevertheless, I presevered to work and from there has been down hill.
OT today was seriously torturous. If someone ever ask you how it feels like to work 12 and a half hours in a Call Center? Just tell them to put their heads in a washing machine and let it rip......THEN you will feel about 10% from how it feels.
Then after work.....the "real" highlight of the day came. As I thought things couldn't get any trip home was delayed by my cab partner that was doing last minute follow up on some cases she had. So...there I was...sitting there...telling myself...."Never mind...I'm going home soon......*exhale*"
So at the end, about 30 minutes later...I was home. Thank God!!! seems I have to act out one last drama before the day ended......
The taxi corporate card didn't worked. SHIT!!!!!
The stupid cab driver (Mercedez driver mind you!) claims he didn't have a Sales Draft and demanded I pay by cash. I explained to him that my company didn't allow for any cash reimbursments and for situations like this, he has to issue me a sales draft.
So, the idiotic cab driver started to get agitated and frustrated...he started grumbling. Immediately I just asked the asshole.."Hey....what are you so angry about??". He told me, "Time is money la!".
I took a deep breath and just told him calmly, "You think any of us wants this? Its 1AM and both me and you are tired. But nevertheless, we have to solve this prob."
Next, I called up City Cab and explained the prob to them. And you know what? The officer just told me...its a simple prob!!!! All the cab driver needs to do is take down the corporate card info and transfer it over to a Sales Draft when he has access to one!! &^%$%^#@@!!!!
The bugger was going to sucker me into paying by cash!!!! Then, I just confronted the asshole and just explained the situation to him. After that, he just exploded and said, "You go home and sleep la!! I will settle this with my company!"
Fine. I just left and went straight home. Stupid.
Sigh.....I mean....c'mon. Both of us have our problems and we have to deal with them maturely and sensibly. No point getting angry, right??? All I can say is....rude, rude, rude. And to think.....I should be the one screaming at him!! I am the customer!
Whatever it is, I have told myself a long long time ago.....since I've started this job, I will never be a pompous, arrogant and rude customer. If its warranted, everything can be settled in a civilised manner.
Anyway, on a seperate matter....I met up with and ol' ol' friend last night!! Rena!!! We basically met up for a dinner at a Russian restaurant she introduced to me....and let me tell you was GOOD!!!!! The chicken shaslik (some sort of grilled chicken but served in a kebab style) and the borsch soup was excellent! Then later...we strolled around Serangoon Gardens as it was only my second time there. She intro-ed me to some uber cool al-fresco drinking and munchin places. REALLY NICE!!! Definately will want to try all of them out one day....hmmmm...just too bad the place is kinda inaccessable. Not really close to any MRT stations.
Finally, we settled down to have some light refreshments before we went home.

Woke up today feeling kinda groggy and flu-ish. Been sneezing like mad and my nose feelings like a tap that has sprung a leak!
Nevertheless, I presevered to work and from there has been down hill.
OT today was seriously torturous. If someone ever ask you how it feels like to work 12 and a half hours in a Call Center? Just tell them to put their heads in a washing machine and let it rip......THEN you will feel about 10% from how it feels.
Then after work.....the "real" highlight of the day came. As I thought things couldn't get any trip home was delayed by my cab partner that was doing last minute follow up on some cases she had. So...there I was...sitting there...telling myself...."Never mind...I'm going home soon......*exhale*"
So at the end, about 30 minutes later...I was home. Thank God!!! seems I have to act out one last drama before the day ended......
The taxi corporate card didn't worked. SHIT!!!!!
The stupid cab driver (Mercedez driver mind you!) claims he didn't have a Sales Draft and demanded I pay by cash. I explained to him that my company didn't allow for any cash reimbursments and for situations like this, he has to issue me a sales draft.
So, the idiotic cab driver started to get agitated and frustrated...he started grumbling. Immediately I just asked the asshole.."Hey....what are you so angry about??". He told me, "Time is money la!".
I took a deep breath and just told him calmly, "You think any of us wants this? Its 1AM and both me and you are tired. But nevertheless, we have to solve this prob."
Next, I called up City Cab and explained the prob to them. And you know what? The officer just told me...its a simple prob!!!! All the cab driver needs to do is take down the corporate card info and transfer it over to a Sales Draft when he has access to one!! &^%$%^#@@!!!!
The bugger was going to sucker me into paying by cash!!!! Then, I just confronted the asshole and just explained the situation to him. After that, he just exploded and said, "You go home and sleep la!! I will settle this with my company!"
Fine. I just left and went straight home. Stupid.
Sigh.....I mean....c'mon. Both of us have our problems and we have to deal with them maturely and sensibly. No point getting angry, right??? All I can say is....rude, rude, rude. And to think.....I should be the one screaming at him!! I am the customer!
Whatever it is, I have told myself a long long time ago.....since I've started this job, I will never be a pompous, arrogant and rude customer. If its warranted, everything can be settled in a civilised manner.
Anyway, on a seperate matter....I met up with and ol' ol' friend last night!! Rena!!! We basically met up for a dinner at a Russian restaurant she introduced to me....and let me tell you was GOOD!!!!! The chicken shaslik (some sort of grilled chicken but served in a kebab style) and the borsch soup was excellent! Then later...we strolled around Serangoon Gardens as it was only my second time there. She intro-ed me to some uber cool al-fresco drinking and munchin places. REALLY NICE!!! Definately will want to try all of them out one day....hmmmm...just too bad the place is kinda inaccessable. Not really close to any MRT stations.
Finally, we settled down to have some light refreshments before we went home.
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