Women are Emotional, Men are Insensitive
Disclaimer: As usual, the ramblings of the author is purely based on the author's observations; if the following entry offends or hurt anyone's feelings.....just too bad la.
Well, that settles the formalities.
Lately, I have been taking notice of a few things. Long has man and women try to understand each other and for many eons, everybody has seemed to fail. Now, I'm not trying to say that I have solved this age old question that our fore-fathers couldn't; but I have realised that women in general are emotion and men are insensitive.
It is not that women and men are intentionally emotional and insenstive, but its just part of our genome/nature. I mean, think about it....I'm sure you'd agree when most women accuse men for being too insensitive (and I guess some women would even say men are incompetent.....but....errrrr.... lets not go into that) and men complain women are too emotional.
I have observed some women breaking down into tears for no good reason, or flaring up at the slightest instances. I have been a witness to such occurances. Trust me, I had front-row seats. Thats when it dawned upon me that women are emotional. No matter how ice-cold and un-warm they appear to be; deep down inside they are seriously emotional. But the thing is, some hide it well, some can't. In short...sometimes I think women are fragile. That's when men have to be abit.....tactful.
Then again..... this is the greatest irony of the century...men are insensitive; naturally.
And for myself, I am no exception. I have experienced this personally. I will not hide the fact that sometimes I can too...be insenstitive. However, the thing is...again, it is not intentional. Sometimes when I am too caught up with what I am doing, or when my mind is pre-occupied, I might end up saying the wrong things. Or worst....sometimes men just don't know "what" to say and..... ends up saying something insenstive....of course to women; this means we ended up saying something stupid.
Still, the whole jist of it is that never have men wanted to offend/hurt women's feelings intentionally. Basically.....men don't mean it.
Being insensitive might not be neccesary be a good nor bad thing. Neither is being emotional for women. Like I've said, its in our genes. But then again, I'm no psychologist or genetics sceintist.
So, the question is, what can we; as men and women do to something that has been around for centuries? We can't change over night, right?
I have only 2 things to say. Patience and TONNES of Understanding. If we can try to understand atleast the fact that - women are emotional and men are insensitive; then we would have much more tolerance for each others' flaws. I guess thats why men and women are not created equal and perfect. Nobody's to blame.
Anyway, this whole write up is only my 2¢ worth. I might be wrong....by a mile. But it's just something that crossed my mind and I'd like to share with everyone.
Peace, yar?
Well, that settles the formalities.
It is not that women and men are intentionally emotional and insenstive, but its just part of our genome/nature. I mean, think about it....I'm sure you'd agree when most women accuse men for being too insensitive (and I guess some women would even say men are incompetent.....but....errrrr.... lets not go into that) and men complain women are too emotional.
I have observed some women breaking down into tears for no good reason, or flaring up at the slightest instances. I have been a witness to such occurances. Trust me, I had front-row seats. Thats when it dawned upon me that women are emotional. No matter how ice-cold and un-warm they appear to be; deep down inside they are seriously emotional. But the thing is, some hide it well, some can't. In short...sometimes I think women are fragile. That's when men have to be abit.....tactful.
Then again..... this is the greatest irony of the century...men are insensitive; naturally.
And for myself, I am no exception. I have experienced this personally. I will not hide the fact that sometimes I can too...be insenstitive. However, the thing is...again, it is not intentional. Sometimes when I am too caught up with what I am doing, or when my mind is pre-occupied, I might end up saying the wrong things. Or worst....sometimes men just don't know "what" to say and..... ends up saying something insenstive....of course to women; this means we ended up saying something stupid.
Still, the whole jist of it is that never have men wanted to offend/hurt women's feelings intentionally. Basically.....men don't mean it.
Being insensitive might not be neccesary be a good nor bad thing. Neither is being emotional for women. Like I've said, its in our genes. But then again, I'm no psychologist or genetics sceintist.
So, the question is, what can we; as men and women do to something that has been around for centuries? We can't change over night, right?
I have only 2 things to say. Patience and TONNES of Understanding. If we can try to understand atleast the fact that - women are emotional and men are insensitive; then we would have much more tolerance for each others' flaws. I guess thats why men and women are not created equal and perfect. Nobody's to blame.
Anyway, this whole write up is only my 2¢ worth. I might be wrong....by a mile. But it's just something that crossed my mind and I'd like to share with everyone.
Peace, yar?
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