Victim of Circumstances
Its been raining for the better part of the day and I haven't felt this cold for quite some time. No doubt that I was in office the whole day, but when I came back I really wanted to just hit the sack. The weather's just perfect to sleep through. Cooling....yet, warm and cozy. How nice if I have someone to snuggle and cuddle with......alas, I am brought to reality and realise that I live alone. So I guess for now, my pillow and bolster will suffice =)
Actually, alot has filled my mind today. There are a few things that has happened lately that I've come to realize how people can really take you for granted. I was really uncomfortable with one particular issue with one of my friends that is really starting to piss me off. A few of the things I hate the most are people that takes you for granted and also rude people. One classic example is people who literally pretend not to know you until when they need something from you; and all of a sudden they're your best friend and appears right in front of you. But when you try to contact them, they never seem to reply your calls or your SMSes.
Similar to this friend of mine. This person, from out of nowhere just SMSed me one fine day asking for a favour. I nearly had half the mind and just wanted to reply, "wow, now only I hear from you. Thought u were dead". But of course I didn't.
Still, even after agreeing to do the favour for this friend......there wasn't any thanks at all!!!! Sheesh!!! No simple, "thanks" or anything like that!!! Maybe I SHOULD shoot myself! In the head! TWICE!!!!!
Sigh.....then again, I tell myself not to get easily affected at things like that. After a while I'd just cool off and figure its not that big a deal. Some people are just like that. Just have to be aware of them and handle them accordingly.
On a seperate issue, work was kinda "unfortunate" as well. You see, there is this particular campaign in my office right now. Its called Sales Thru Service. Basically, as CSOs we have to upsell certain services to our customers whenever they call to our hotline; and there is a certain quota to be achieved.
The thing is, I have always tried my best to upsell those services whenever I had the chance. Never really complained about it. But however, today one of my managers did a side by side jacking and monitoring of my calls, and so happen, there were a few calls that came in that I felt that the situation didn't allow me to upsell those services.
Nonetheless, I was really dissapointed as I am kinda afraid that the manager thought I was one of those few CSOs that didn't want to upsell the promotional services. I have always tried my best, and also because I want to set an example to the new recruits.
Sigh,.......I guess I'm a vicim of circumstances. Its all about bad timing. Where was the manager when I manage to upsell those services?
Anyway, every cloud has its silver lining. Finally Alan and I has finished the "campaign" board that we have designed! It nearly took us 1 month to complete the board but I guess it could have been done faster if there weren't so many delays. Basically, me, Alan and a few other colleagues are in-charge of trying to improve the customer satisfaction level for callers of our hotline. We decided on a campaigned that would be called Hook, Line & Sinker.
Here's a chronology of the birth of the "Be Cool or Be Hooked" board!!
So much tedious work were used with the glue gun, halfway thru I though I was getting high.
At this point in time, I thougt we had inadvertantly created just of big giant dildo.
And finally, after weeks of hardwork and brain-numbing design planning.....TA-DaaaAAaaaAaaah!!!! The fruit of our labour!
1 comment:
hey pal!thats really cool!good effort ya! :P
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