Call it the end of the road. Call it reaching its limits. Call it Mass Resignations.
Since the day I tendered my resignation, another 5 has resigned as well. And most actively for the past 3 days. Its as if there's a resignation every day. I guessed in many ways, I've already seen this coming. And I also have raised my cautions to some of my managers that this might happen. And it did.
Still, nothing much can be done. Not even my immeadiate managers can do anything about it. As long as the call center is being runned by arrogant imbeciles and morons; no pun intended - but they're gonna run the place to the ground. Its all coming apart at the seams. Even during my exit interview, I have raised my concerns to HR and voiced out to them what are the difficulties CSOs have to go thru; I'm not too sure if it will bear any impact.
For the past few days, the management has been sending out emails asking everyone to contribute for more OT. And they even used the words "rough times". But c'mon, who are responsible for these "rough times"?
I've said it once, I'll say it again. When 1 month you don't hit your targets. It might be a fluke, it might be CSOs playing punk. But when you dont hit your targets for 6 months, you really have to start looking at the bigger picture.
When they ask, "Why is Service Levels plunging every day?". The answer, "Cos of low staff strenght."
And when they ask, "Why is the staff strenght low?". The asnwer, "Because staff are resigning".
And when they ask, "Why staff are resigning?". That my friends.......the blind morons at the higher management will never be able to comprehend.
Still, one thing I did noticed when I resigned. Some Operational Managers looked at me as if I betrayed them. As if I have left them in their hour of need. And trust me, it is not the look of gratitude or appreciation of any sort after 3 years of working hard to serve them.
And to add salt to the wound? CSOs suffer and fight so hard to save Service that in the end of the day, some Operational Managers can get their Call Center Manager of the Year Award by CCAS.
Not this year.