Bombs Away!!!~

Its been almost 2 to 3 months since I saw her and we decided to meet up for dinner at Billy Bombers - Parco Bugis. She's still the same and to anyone that knows Rena, everyone can attest she's one of the nicest people you can ever meet.
Though, I'm kinda envious of her. She's been travelling alot lately. Been to KL, Cameron Highlands; just rececently came back from Australia and......heading to China again this month!!! Talk about globe trekking!!!
Anyway, it was really a blast to see her again and catch up with our lives....and before you know it....she sprang a surprise and gave me a belated birthday present!!! And this my a seriously SPECIAL present. You know what she got me? A picture frame.
Yeah, yeah...most of you must be saying, "A picture frame? Pfft! So what? Thats boring".
BUT trust me when I say special. I cant stress enough that its so, so, so, so, so, so, so special and unique!!!!!! Check it out!!!! She got me a levitating/floating picture frame!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!!?

It spins!!! You have have 2 seperate pictures on each side - *ting!* how nice if I had a girlfriend so I can put my pic on one side and my girlfriend's pic on the other. Heheh...then I'll be spinning the darn thing around everyday.
Its like something out of Star Trek!!!!!!!! I cant wait to start using it!!! Though, the only problem is finding the right spot for it (as it has a magnetic field, so kinda sensative to other electronic appliances)...and of course....figuring out what pictures to add in.
Beam me up Scottie!!!!!
hey i thot we were supposed to meet up after rena came back from australia for yr bdae?hmm..u two went ahead w/o me n macel!!!!!!
how now u guys must organise the next meet up :p
heee...soli soli. we organise one soon k?
we have dual celebration. me and marcel's resignation!!
yeah's really time to celebrate man! All of us are officially out...
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