Streeeeeeeess &......TREXIES!!!
Damn its been a stressful week.
Its already my 3rd week in my new company and I'm still trying to adapt and find my place within the entire organisation. Cant really say it has been a honeymoon period as well. Every day when I set foot into office, I have to start writing down a to-do list. And as each day goes by, the list seems to be getting longer and longer.
There has been ups, and there has been downs. The up parts are mostly when I manage to get things done and the sense of accomplishment is simply fabulous. And the down parts? Well, thats when I kena buttered by my boss. Its a serious test to my resolve.
I remember I used to know that whatever shit is thrown my way, I can take it. I can adapt and soak in any information like a dry sponge. I never wavered. But not this time.
These days I find myself doubting myself more and more. Everything has its own intricate detail that must not be missed. Thats what you get from a boss who's a perfectionist. ZERO tolerance for incompetence.
Still, I constantly remind myself that I'm learning loads and this is my best chance to make it in the Marketing field. Its just worth it. Every shit, mistake and lesson. Something is there to be learnt.
And oh yea....anyone heard of Trexies before? Just take a look at these 2. Attitude siah!!!!
Its already my 3rd week in my new company and I'm still trying to adapt and find my place within the entire organisation. Cant really say it has been a honeymoon period as well. Every day when I set foot into office, I have to start writing down a to-do list. And as each day goes by, the list seems to be getting longer and longer.
There has been ups, and there has been downs. The up parts are mostly when I manage to get things done and the sense of accomplishment is simply fabulous. And the down parts? Well, thats when I kena buttered by my boss. Its a serious test to my resolve.
I remember I used to know that whatever shit is thrown my way, I can take it. I can adapt and soak in any information like a dry sponge. I never wavered. But not this time.
These days I find myself doubting myself more and more. Everything has its own intricate detail that must not be missed. Thats what you get from a boss who's a perfectionist. ZERO tolerance for incompetence.
Still, I constantly remind myself that I'm learning loads and this is my best chance to make it in the Marketing field. Its just worth it. Every shit, mistake and lesson. Something is there to be learnt.
And oh yea....anyone heard of Trexies before? Just take a look at these 2. Attitude siah!!!!

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