Black Bye Summit
Best night I had for the entire week.
Miraculously for this particular week.....ALL, for the first time, the ENTIRE Black Bye team was able to make it for a steamboat session at my place.

Sadly this is what has become of my mahjong table. Had more makan sessions on this table rather than mahjong sessions.
You see, back in M1, a few of my colleagues and I were known as the Black Byes. And yes, it sounds vulger. And if you have a problem with it....shoot yourself. In the head. Twice. - Hehe...its been a long time since i used this line. But anyway, the formation of the Black Byes involves a long and interesting story. But in the end, dont get me wrong...we're not named after a certain pubic region of the female gender.
In total, there are 6 of us. And in the past, we always wanted to have a Black Byes Summit; though it never materialised. Its either one of us were on some cock shift, or something else. So in a way, this is our very first.
Its really fun to see everyone again. And I havent laughed that hard in ages. Also, I even got the chance to update myself with the latest gossips in office. Though, from what they are telling me, seems like things are getting from bad to worse in M1. The situation has came to a stage of Red-Alert and even CD, OMs; are called out to answer calls. I guess in many ways, its time they have a taste of their own medicine. Now....they will know what the CSOs are going thru.
Just too bad I'm not around to see the look on their faces.
After dinner, every stayed back with the exception of Alvin - being a father and a family man, he has to see his kid home. Still, it was fun. The rest of us just chit-chatted and hung around watching the World Cup matches.
However, I was most touched when my ex-bosses and colleagues asked me about my new job. I explained to them about the difficulties and the stress that I'm facing....all of them are very supportive and encouraging.
Its really something when you have your ex-bosses cheering you on for your new job. They keep on telling me that I'll do fine. I must admit, their words do give me temporary reprieve from all the pressure I'm going thru.
Black Byes FOREVER!!! =)
1 comment: was fun....gonna double the food level spread next round....
Black Bye forever !!!
Slut Bro.
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