Sunday, March 27, 2005

Reality BITES

Apparently, working in the morning shift this week, I found myself having a surprising amount of free time when I got home.

Every night, I would switch on the "idiot" box and start to gawk at it for hours long before I fall right asleep in front of it. One thing that I realize every night is......there's always a reality show on air. For the past one week, I have been watching shows like The Bachelor, Survivor, The Amazing Race, and a few others. The thing that caught my attention is that all of these reality shows have is one thing on common. You can see the ugly side of the human psyche.

These shows will literrally bring out the worst in people and you can see all the contestants in each show slugging each other out mercilessly. No doubt that what we see on TV is "doctored" to make things more interesting...hence all the gore and bicthin and swearing are all enhanced to increase viewership. Then again, these are true human instincts and behaviours. Its scary to see what are people capable of....the lying, the cheating, the back-stabbing. But you know whats even more scarier? The fact that these are the factors of the show that gets viewers tuning in.

Week after week, more and more viewers tune in the same channel to watch these vultures duke it out. They can't seem to get enough of it. The more drama and ugly it gets, the more interesting it is. Its kinda sickening when you think about it. I mean, if you really look at the bigger picture...its ridiculous! Alot of people these days know what they see on reality shows are mostly planned and "doctored"...but why watch it every week? Cos' its simply exciting. The more vicious and scheming a character of the show is...the more he's rooted for. Everyone likes a bad-ass-mother *toot* taking out all the goodie-too-shows of the show. C' the real world, the good guy always finish last. Its a dog eat dog world, have to have balls of steel and you have to play dirty sometimes to win the game.

So, at the end of the day...we don't really care who wins a million dildos, we just like watching the proccess of the whole thing. And oh ya...another thing...reality shows also proves the obvious. How greedy people can get. Lets not go far into each and every one of the shows. Just look at Rob & Amber...the ala perfect couple from Survivor that thinks "oh, we're so perfect for each other and let's screw everyone over." As if winning one million in Survivor isn't enough, now they're even joined the Amazing Race. about greed. And I bet, they were approached and paid a small sum to join the Race.

Hmmm, talk about ironic. As I'm typing this, The Apprentice is on air right now on Channel 5. This is also another classic reality show thats full of malice and back-stabbing. The only difference? The contestants wear suits. But then again, there's Donald Trump. Anyone ever wondered what on earth is that thing on his head?!?!? Sometimes it just looks like a piece of rag...and sometimes it looks like a dead dog! Its...its...its....there it goes again!!! I think the damn thing just moved in front of national TV!!!!! And this guy is one of the richest man in America. Man, maybe he should spend some money on a grooming consultant....and if he already has one...he should be shot......twice.

Still, no doubt about his wealth though. Sometimes I wonder how these people do it. Was surfing the net the other day and came across this list from

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The only thing I can say? THE NERDS RULZ!!!!!! Who's having the laugh now? Not some muscle bound jockey or some good-looking ala model narcissist.....but its the dorks and the geeks!!! Way to go! And sometimes, who says family is good for nothing?...just look at postions 6 thru 10. Looks like the Walton family is doing preeeety well. Any guesses who these people are? Heard of Wal-Mart? There you go.

And of course, the pole-position always belongs to the Nerd of the Millenium ( hero) Bill Gates [if you don't know who this is...shoot yourself...twice. And we'll bury you next to Donald Trump's grooming consultant] However, to make it into this list is never easy. I'm sure they are years of hard work, sweat, tears and degradatory mocking (Bill..... I know how you feel brudder!) and of course...a lil bit of luck.

But at the end, you know who's the smartest person of them all? Mark Burnnet. By all means, he is the father of reality TV, and now he's racking in the millions. And how does he do it? Easy...he just shows us whats already in every single one of us. And he does it week, after week, after week, after week..............

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