Sunday, October 30, 2005

Part & Parcel of the JOB

Just came back from work when I should be home much much earlier.

Aparrently I was the only senior that was around tonight and even though it was my short day and I could have left half hour earlier; I stayed back.

Some would say thats just plain dumb, and some would say its just doing charity. But from my point of view is that its not much of a big deal to me as its only 30 mins. And in many ways I am responsible for the new recruits.

For the past few days, I found that these new recruits needs alot of guidance and coaching. And I start to really think the trainers in the training center are not doing their jobs. Product knowledge is poor and call handling procedures are all over the place. The new recruits seemed lost as they aimlessly figure out core procedures and infomation.

So far, my patience is still holding as I try to coach them one day at a time. I'm sure the other seniors feel the stress as well.

I must admit that so far, the cluster's buddy system is really performing well. I was just thinking the other day, we are fortunate to have understanding and patient seniors. We've manage to really make nothing into something. I'm sure without the buddy system, many of the new recruits would have extended their probation periods and it would be quite a while till they are confirmed.

Looking back, I'm really glad as our efforts really paid off as many were all confirmed under the guidance of the seniors.

On another note......been having problems sleeping again these days. Been really struggling with this week's schedule. Sleeping everynight around 3am and subconciously waking up every morning around 9am is taking its toll on me.

Thankfully, its only another day left before I end this un-godly shift. To be honest, I don't mind working late at this hour, but the vigorously flucntuating shift makes it difficult to adjust and adapt to the timing.

Atleast in some way, time is passing by quite speedily. Day after day after day, time passes us by in an instant. Still, whenever this happens, I cant help but to feel time is really precious and its passing by so quickly.....

Then I ask myself. Am I suppose to be doing something else? Time's a wastin'.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Butterfly Wings

It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.
- Chaos Theory

These very words speaks a hundred meanings when it was first conceptualised in the 1960s. Though, in recent days I am starting to understand the truth behind the theory.

For most of the part, I do admit that sometimes something as small as a butterfly's fluttering wings can cause a massive tornado. So to speak.

Lately, I have been in the eye of the storm and I find myself in a......less-than comfortable position. Though some of you might not know what I am referring to....but all I want to illustrate is that even sometimes, things get blown out of proportion meaninglessly.

Don't you agree? Take for example, as CSOs who handle customers every single day; all it takes is one single wrong choice of word, the customer can literally flare up and starts to scream and shout to the top of their lungs. Whats even more worse is that there was nothing to be screaming and shouting for in the first place.

So, I guess the Choas Theory in many ways implicates our daily lives and rings true to our words and our actions.

Ultimately, whats more important is.... I now better understand the consequences of one's actions and how it will affect others. Knowing that, we have to be more concious of what we say or do. No matter how small it might appear to be.

Though, atleast we can try and remind ourselves; never let the flutter of butterfly wings cause devastiation halfway around the world.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Stormy Night in Singapore

Jeez.....its really getting rough out there.

In my 2 years in Singapore, not too sure why, but I think tonight's storm is one of the worse I've seen. And I mind you....its not heavy rain okay??? Its a storm!

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There's a thunder clap every few seconds and the sky seems to be flashing non-stop with lightning before the thunder. If I was a paranoid sceince geek, I'd think that the Martians have landed!! Err...then again...I am a*ponders*

Still, from my house I can hardly see whats beyond 200 to 300 meters in front of me. The constant rumble of the thunder is so loud that I can hardly hear myself think. In many ways....back in Penang, if any storm like this occurs; definately there are some parts that will be flooded. But I guess it does bring back memories.

I used stay at this particular area in Penang that floods occasionally occurs whenever there's a heavy rain. I remember seeing some kids bringing out some barrels playing around with it in the flood. They would run on it on the floating barrels and have themselves one hell of a time.

Anyway, must admit that today has been a productive day. Got alot of things done considering I only slept around 5 hours.

Last night, I came home around 4am after having another yummi-licious supper with Cassie after work. I was woken up this morning by a call from office. Apparently, the Service Level has crashed badly and they need people to go back for some OT. And with only 5 hours of sleep, I don't think going back to answer frustrating and idiotic calls is a good idea.

Reluctantly, I "regrettably" rejected the OT.

Anyway, I spent the whole day running errands for my new baby...hehehehe.... Got myself a new 3G phone (more on this phone in my next post....after I'm done playing around with it)!!!!!! Went to one of my favourite places in Singapore. SIM LIM aka TECH HEAVEN!!!!!!!

Wahahahahahahahahaahah!!!! I have no idea why, but the place always turns me on. I was there on "official" business as I needed to get an RS-MMC card for my new baby (if you have no idea whats that.....shoot yourse......oh wait. I'm being mean. just means more memory).

After hunting around for almost an hour, I finally found what I wanted and damn.....I had a smile so wide that will put Aerosmith to shame. Hehe...what did I tell you about boys with toys?

Well, by the time I was done with things, I was so caught up in Sim Lim that I only had my lunch at 4pm!!!!

But its nice to be among society again. Normally for me, it would be routine to just laze around at home on my off days. Its nice to see people going about their business and realli see the culture of Singaporeans. Seems like in Singapore, my life only revolves around work. My social life is practically non-existent.

Howeveeeeerrr.....I really have to say this. I didnt realize Singapore had so many PRETTY gals!!!!!!!!! As I don't come out much, my eyes were really wide open today!!!! I was like, "Fuah!!!!! where did all these gals come from?????" - EH....dun roll your eyes when you're reading this k??? I'm still a swingin' bachelor, right? Errr...though I haven't been doing any swingin' these days....*ahem* not that I have before anyway...Heeeee......

Anyway, its really..."refreshing". But then again? Its only pleasant to the eyes; we'll never know there's genuine substance behind their looks.....still...

ShEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeet......I have to get out more.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Birthday Conspiracy

*choke* *choke*.....*heavy breathing* Ugggghhhh.....

I'm so broke I can't breathe!!!!! Seriously, this is one of the dri-est seasons I have ever come across!!! Trying to make ends meet, I'm sqeezing out every penny out of my pocket. Sigh.....have to start eating bread and butter for my meals.

Eerrrr....ok la! Its not that bad. Hehehehehe.

To be honest, my pay for this month just came in and of course, it does offer some temporary relieve. But still, the month of November is what I call, "Dead-Broke Month". And you know why? Almost everybody's freakin birthday falls in November!!!!!

Trust birthday present list is getting longer by the minute! Its really tough when not only you have remember all the friend's birthdays, but you also have to think of what to get them. And for me, I'm one of those people who really sucks when it comes to choosing birthday presents. Nevertheless, with this on going trend of high birthday trafic in November, I start to ponder why is this so....

I sat down. Thought about it. While calculating my budget, then.....

Suddenly it hit me like a Malaysian hit and run driver! Just calculate, 9 months before November is February!!! And thats just it!!!

February = Valentine's Day = Busy busy busy couples!!!

So, you see my point? No wonder that I have so many friends that are having their birthday in November. Its a bloody conspiracy!!! Sheesh.....

Though.....I can't complain much. Even my dad's and brother's birthday are in November. And on the same day too! Hehhehee....really have to give it to my dad for careful planning. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Anyway, I guess birthdays are a good thing. Always a reason for celebration.

But for now.....I cant wait for DECEMBER!!!!~


Monday, October 24, 2005

Korea? Love the Music

Okay, Okay!!! I'm in the mood!!!

As a tribute to all things Kimchi, this whole month I will be belting out some of my favourite songs from Korea. The one you are listening to right now is a song by The Promise. Its called Fly To The Sky. Pretty sappy title huh?? But what the heck I like it.

I guess the Korean phenomenon really took the world by storm. Everyone's mad about them. Though, I have to confess that I've never really finised one single Korean drama. Errr....nobody kill me okie?

But still, I have to admit, whats not to like? Great looking babes, dashing guys (hehe....some are better looking/prettier than their female counterparts) and fastastic music. Just what the doctor ordered for a good time for the whole family.

But you really have to sit down and think about it. How did the Korean phenomenon get so big? The asnwer? Those friggin sappy love story script writers!!!! Without them, nobody would have heard of Bae Yong Joon and I'm sure nobody would have uttered the words sarang hae before. Korean should really put these guys on the padestial. I'm sure if you mesured it, these script writers have caused tonnes and litres of tears jerking out of love torn/sappy teenage girls all around the world. And thats not counting the tears shed by the Auntie Killer Bae Yong Joon. The amount of tears shed combined would put Hurricane Wilma to shame.

Still, I'm not complaining. As long as they can produce music like that, I'm all for Koreans!

Hmmm, with Koreans aside, today was really a relaxing day. I'd even manage to get a hair cut. Hmmmm, though until now I never seem to find a hair cut that really suits me. How nice if I can look as good as those Korean of them being my all time favourite, Jang Dong Gun. That fella really have class. I would likened him to the Korean James Bond. Super suave!

Thats me I guess. I really like the stereo-typical suave good guy. How I wish I can be like that. Look suave and good in a coat.

"Mum, when I grow up.....I wanna be like him!!!"

But I know, before that.....I need to lose all these KILOS!!!!! Ummmmm.....though my growing beer belly isn't helping *grins* Oh well.....till then...I'll just be Sonny Yong. =)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Formula for a good time

[Great company X (Tasty food)²] + Nice location = Good time

I love spontaneity. Just like the time me and Rena went for the foot massage and just like the late night supper I had with Cassie last night!

It was just one of those weeks where I am working morning and I was off on a Sunday. As usual, I mope around the idea of going home at 7pm on a Saturday night knowing I had nowhere to go and I was even off the next day! Sheesh!

I'm a young, working, single and financially stable guy spending his Saturday nights doing laundry and watching TV!!!!~ day isn't here yet and there isn't going to be alot of spending. hehehehe

Anyway, to my much distress, as I got off work, suddenly Cassie just casually asked if I wanna have supper, cos she might be cancelling her appointments with her friends. So I thought to myself, "what the heck, why not?"

So, I went home first, had myself a short nap, and later Cassie called me and we decided to meet up at Holland V. And from there Saturday night was saved!!!!

I must say that eventhough it was just a simple supper without alot of fanfare, but I really did enjoy myself. We didn't need to go clubbing, we didn't need to spend riduculous amounts of money and we didn't need to have alot of people around......though too bad Jeo (Cassie's bf) couldnt join us, or else it would have been nice to have the usual gang.

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However, halfway thru someone unexpected showed up right in front of us. It was JUSTIN!!!!!! Our former boss. He's now transferred to another Cluster in our department....but I really have to say this. Justin's one of the BEST managers anyone could EVER have. Serious. He's really one guy who has the perfect balance between play and work and is of course, nice to his staff. Justin was actually there at the same coffee shop having a birthday supper with his friends.

Later on, Justin was even nice enough to come over to join me and Cassie for a while. We chatted for almost a good 10 to 15 minutes before he left to join his friends again. After that, my respect for him grew even more. Really down to earth guy.

Not many managers would come over to spend some time with their staff; especially when you're out of office. I see it alot of managers wouldn't even be caught dead having drinks with their junior officers. In my office, the some managers are like that. They rarely spend time with staff at the ground level and only mingle among themselves. Talk about building rapport and ego!

After that, me and Cassie continued on with our food and drinks. I find that I really find it easy to talk to Cassie. We talked about work, life, relationships and office gossips!!! And before we knew was already 3:15am!!

After the supper, finally I got home about 4am. I was kinda happy about it cos, in the past when I was back in Penang, I used to go home this late on Saturday nights. Me and my buddies would hang out at mamak stalls after playing countless hours of Counter-Strike at the cybercafe. Sometimes we would even strecth the night chit-chatting at the mamak stall until 5am.

Looking back, sometimes I think to myself...we really had alot of things to chat about! Every week without fail all of us would hang around until 4am or 5 am at the mamak stall. We never grew tired of it....we just basically enjoy each other's company.

Sigh,.......I kinda miss those days =) But hey.....having supper with a good friend like Cassie; is equally as enjoyable!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Noma Numa Yei!!!!!

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Quite some time ago, I came across this really funky trailer of Chicken Little while catching a movie in the cinema.

My very first impression I got was, it was damn HILARIOUS!!!!!

With the facial expression like that and dancing to a song like that, it was simply unbearable.

Anyway, as for all of you that have read my previous blog entry, I know things seemed kinda down for a period of time. And I really took the time to reflect what I was truly feeling deep down inside and now I realize.....I was truly foolish.

I have been talking to a few friends for the past few days and I realized there are more things to life than what that was growing thru my mind. Important things.

Career, family, financial stability, my future and ALOT more things.

Also, when the setting and the tone of things are so low, its really kinda difficult to pick things up and start at a lighter note. From a sad entry posting, the negativity really affects everyone....even the readers.

I really didn't know what came over me that night. Hmmmm....maybe its the side effects of wearing a pink shirt!!!

Still, I think I have overcomed what I went thru that thing except for a few things that I guess I'll be able to sort out soon enough.

So I guess for the time being........mai-ia-hee, mai-ia-huu, mai-iahoo, mai-ia-HaHa!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Just came back from work. It has definately been a long day after 12 and a half hours of taking calls and pacifying idiots.

But I guess the highlight of the day is when the company announced that all staff will be able to purchase 3G phones at subsidised rates. Under normal circumstances, I would be jumpin around. doesn't really excite me.

Ladies and Gentlemen, its that time again. My regular ups and downs has hit a low period again.

Sigh....have no idea why I am feeling this way. Sometimes I think its self-inflicted. Or......deep down inside I DO know whats bothering me....just don't wanna to bring it up.

In office, as I watched the minute hand on the clock goes by, its somehow pretty peaceful around 12am. With only 5 to 6 officers in office, I was able to work at my own pace, take some time and reflect on my life and somehow; my heart is at ease.

Nobody bothering me, and most importantly my work distracts me.

Though, the moment I reach mind starts to wander. And all the shit come piling in. I need a break. I need a vacation. I need these things out of my head and out of my system. I need to get away.

The ironic part is that I told myself that I will never allow myself to feel this way again; but yet time and again and again and again and again and again and again.............


Is anyone out there? I feel like shit.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Same ol' misty feeling....

Came back pretty early today. Don was on his way to Orchard, and he gave me a lift to town. From there on, I guess it was pretty near to get home.

As usual, whenever I come home early, its just another TV dinner. Was watching Blown Away while munchin on my Zinger burger. I've seen this old movie years ago, and I thought to myself....this is quite a good movie! They don't seem to make movies like this anymore.

After the movie, I started to do one of my favourite past times.....reading up on the lastest gadgets a busy body and read people's blogs. Hey, sue I've mention, if you don't have a life, you read about other people's life.

So, there I was....reading on people's blogs. But soon after reading a few blogs, I started to feel nostalgic. Almost everyone was blogging about how happy they their relationships. The way most of them describe it seems like they are in a fairy tale.

It was only today I read in the papers that singles in Singapore have it tough. This writer mentioned that normally during festive seasons like Raya and Deepavalli, the celebrants are usually granted to take their annual leave during this whole week of public holidays. Next, then priority is given to married couples as the government is encouranging procreation amongst couples. Go figure.

So, who is left to hold the fort? Singles. And this also means that......we, as singles don't get time to go clubbing, hangout with friends or socialize. Its the end of our love life. And to add salt to the wound, singles don't get any tax rebates from the government like childcare, education and ect. Hence, its like singles are being taxed to subsidize married couples. And further, in Chinese families, normally the unmarried son is assumed to have less obligations and commitments, hence he is expected to contribute to the parents more.

Though, all of the above is besides the point. I guess after reading all those lovey dovey blogs, I start to ask myself will I ever make any girl that happy. Will I ever be a good boyfriend? Or, am I even a good boyfriend material?

Sigh....when I ask those questions and reflect on my past, I'm afraid that all those questions will be answered with a resounding NO. I don't think I will be able to make a girl feel that way. When I see pics of couples together, they seemed so.....perfect. Happy. The smiles they exude is priceless. Its the epitome of hapiness.

I look thru my pics? Nothing in sight. Then again, I only took 1 or 2 pics with my ex despite being together for 2 years. Maybe now I know why.

Still, after all this while I still believe in the thing called love. Call me a hapless romantic anytime. Its just that my confidence level about love and romance have taken a plunge in recent months. Not that I'm complaining. Truth be told, its been a while now since I've even thought about relationships.

Also, another thing that sets me thingking is why do all the nice girls go for bad boys?!? Its true isn't it? I've seen alot of it, for a few exceptions of course. But my parents raised me to be a nice person and to be a gentlemen to the ladies. However, if I'd knew better, I'd smoke pot, drink and gamble to my hearts content when I was growing up. Then, I'll still be able to go home to a nice warm loving girlfriend/wife.

Hmmm....then again, I'll leave this topic for another time.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Victim of Circumstances


Its been raining for the better part of the day and I haven't felt this cold for quite some time. No doubt that I was in office the whole day, but when I came back I really wanted to just hit the sack. The weather's just perfect to sleep through. Cooling....yet, warm and cozy. How nice if I have someone to snuggle and cuddle with......alas, I am brought to reality and realise that I live alone. So I guess for now, my pillow and bolster will suffice =)
Actually, alot has filled my mind today. There are a few things that has happened lately that I've come to realize how people can really take you for granted. I was really uncomfortable with one particular issue with one of my friends that is really starting to piss me off. A few of the things I hate the most are people that takes you for granted and also rude people. One classic example is people who literally pretend not to know you until when they need something from you; and all of a sudden they're your best friend and appears right in front of you. But when you try to contact them, they never seem to reply your calls or your SMSes.
Similar to this friend of mine. This person, from out of nowhere just SMSed me one fine day asking for a favour. I nearly had half the mind and just wanted to reply, "wow, now only I hear from you. Thought u were dead". But of course I didn't.
Still, even after agreeing to do the favour for this friend......there wasn't any thanks at all!!!! Sheesh!!! No simple, "thanks" or anything like that!!! Maybe I SHOULD shoot myself! In the head! TWICE!!!!!
Sigh.....then again, I tell myself not to get easily affected at things like that. After a while I'd just cool off and figure its not that big a deal. Some people are just like that. Just have to be aware of them and handle them accordingly.
On a seperate issue, work was kinda "unfortunate" as well. You see, there is this particular campaign in my office right now. Its called Sales Thru Service. Basically, as CSOs we have to upsell certain services to our customers whenever they call to our hotline; and there is a certain quota to be achieved.
The thing is, I have always tried my best to upsell those services whenever I had the chance. Never really complained about it. But however, today one of my managers did a side by side jacking and monitoring of my calls, and so happen, there were a few calls that came in that I felt that the situation didn't allow me to upsell those services.
Nonetheless, I was really dissapointed as I am kinda afraid that the manager thought I was one of those few CSOs that didn't want to upsell the promotional services. I have always tried my best, and also because I want to set an example to the new recruits.
Sigh,.......I guess I'm a vicim of circumstances. Its all about bad timing. Where was the manager when I manage to upsell those services?
Anyway, every cloud has its silver lining. Finally Alan and I has finished the "campaign" board that we have designed! It nearly took us 1 month to complete the board but I guess it could have been done faster if there weren't so many delays. Basically, me, Alan and a few other colleagues are in-charge of trying to improve the customer satisfaction level for callers of our hotline. We decided on a campaigned that would be called Hook, Line & Sinker.
Here's a chronology of the birth of the "Be Cool or Be Hooked" board!!
This is the initial design of the "thermometer". It might look like a simple design. But trust me, alot of time and thought was invested into that blasted thing!
So much tedious work were used with the glue gun, halfway thru I though I was getting high.

At this point in time, I thougt we had inadvertantly created just of big giant dildo.

And finally, after weeks of hardwork and brain-numbing design planning.....TA-DaaaAAaaaAaaah!!!! The fruit of our labour!

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TGIF? How I wish.

To many of you, Saturdays seemed like a God-sent gift to the working class slave. However, not for me and my fellow colleagues.

Particularly for this week, my off days were on Thursday and Friday, hence this would only mean that I have to work on this weekend, all the way till mid next week. So, to many of you its the start of your weekend; but to me, its the beginning of my work week!

Still, both of my off days didn't pass by in vain. Funny how life seems to spring the best surprises. Life is TRULY indeed a box of chocolates. You'll never know what you're gonna get. Err....except if you bought a box of Cadberry's...or Royce....or...Van Houten's....err...oh, f*ck it. These days most of the time you DO know what you're gonna get when you buy a box of chocolates!!! Someone should shoot Forrest Gump. In the head. Twice.

Run, Forrest run!!! Moron.

Ok, back to the point. Anyway, I met up with Rena again for tea in the afternoon. Or shall I say coffee. As usual, we always have a good time chatting about life, the good ol' times and of course our future. One thing good about Rena and me, its that we share the same wavelenght. And obviously, she's also a great conversationalist! Never a dull moment. Though, the more we chatted, the more we found out that our past, school life and our background is vastly different.

Moving on, after a while we decided to do some window shopping in Heeren. And guess what? Rena somehow manages to "persuade" me into getting a PINK polo t-shirt!!!!! My very first PINK shirt. Let me repeat......PINK!!!!!

Oh, well, first time for everything I guess. Basically, my whole wardrobe is filled to the brim with shirts in prime colors. Blue, black, red, white, grey.....well, you can call it boring colors. Nothing too flashy.

According to Rena, it was kinda refreshing when I tried on the pink shirt. So, I decided to take a leap of faith and give it a try. I will be wearing it to work tomorrow and....wish me luck. I hope I don't single handedly cause an international fashion disaster!

Anyway, later on we went to Osahime!!!! One of our fav ala-carte buffet sashimi eating places. We met up with some colleagues and ex-colleagues and it was non-stop munchin action! Me and another colleague Alan practically devoured their entire stock of choka hotate (squid)!

By the time we finished, I was wondering how the restaurant owner felt. If we decided to make another visit to them....confirm close shop in 1 month!!!!!

Well, I guess that was yesterday and today's today. I actually just got back from work. Went to have dinner with my favourite god-sister Cassie!!! And of course, when the 2 of us get together. Lots of gossips and lots of, you people don't pass judgement ok?!?!!? Everyone gossips!!!!

Later on, I went to Clark Quay to meet up with my long time friend Mellisa. She's in Singapore for a short visit with some of her colleagues. Too bad I couldn't spend more time with them as I had to work for the next few days.

When I got there, apparently the guys had a facination for Hooters. We were having drinks there and I guess Hooters can only be known for 1 thing. For all those guys out there...don't pretend to act like you don't know!!!

But I only have one question.......where on earth do they fine all those super tight tops and shorts for the waitresses?!!?!?!
Err....not that I'm complaining.....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Better Day

Today seemed like a much, much better day.

Seeing that last night was one of the most ultra boring nights I had, I was kinda dreading the coming of the next 2 days as I will be off back to back.

I could hardly survived last night and I thought I would definately die from boredom within the next 2 days. Just imagine that.

Victim: Adult male, chinese
Age: 24 years of age
Estimated time of death: 72 hours ago
Cause of death: Severe boredom

But before you know it, there's a cloud in every silver lining!!! As it turns out, i DID have a plan today!!! I had a lunch appointment with a dear old friend, Rena!

Fresh back from the land of Kimchi, she really seemed like she enjoyed herself to the MAX!!! Still, I kinda sympathise with her as she didn't get to meet her long time beau, Kwon Sang Woo. Don't worry girl. I'm sure you'll meet him one day. And if not, I guess you meet him every night in your dreams anyway.

Author's note: This gal is mad about Kwon Sang Woo!!!!~

Anyway, after lunch (had lunch in Serangoon Gardens) we were feeling kinda spontaneous and decided to go for a foot reflexology massage! Well, it was kinda fun and relaxing actually as this is my first time having my feet massaged. Rena mentioned that if I started to feel sharp pains on my feet during the massage, it means that one of the organs/system in my body isn't exactly healthy. Apparently, there are some accute points in the human feet has a direct connection with each organ in our body. Still, I didn't feel any major pains for that 40 minutes of fats and flesh kneading.

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Can you tell which one is my leg? I'll give you 2 hints. Hairy and Elephant size.

After that, we went to Bishan Junction 8 to do some window shopping. And the place has changed alot!!! The last time I was there was almost 1 and a half years ago. I could hardly recognise the place. Alot of improvement and very nicely done.

As we were walking around in Junction 8, then later on we bumped into something I couldn't resist not to take a pic of it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce to you......Singapore's Biggest Bae Yong Joon Memorabilia Collection!!! Fangirls in Singapore has taken Korean idolisation to a whole new level!! These people are mad! Talk about obsession.

Later on, Rena had to go and meet up with her real beau, James for dinner and I got home around 6pm. All in all, it was a really fun day...all thanks for my Boredome Savior Rena!

Oh well.....I know I shouldn't be saying this as off days are so precious; I have to survive 1 more day left.

Come what may. Let's see what happens tomorrow =)


I'm bored. I'm utterly bored. I'm agonisingly bored. I'm boringly bored. I'm fantastically bored. I'm sickeningly bored. I'm freaking bored.
Simply.....I'm bored.
This is the downside of staying alone sometimes. Whenever I work morning shift, I come home early and thats it. I have no idea what to do and don't know where to go.
There's nothing to watch on TV and I have no idea what to surf on the net. The silence is deafening and the aimlessness is infuriating.
Ocassionally, I have thought to myself, if I have the drive and motivation in me to make it big, I'd use these "precious" time I have and make something out of it. Time is gold, as what people say. But what can I do? I can think of a few. I can attend courses, I can do some shopping or I can do some recreational activity like sports.
Yeah. Right.
In many ways, I think I'm just plain lazy. Of course, thats something I would prefer not to admit. But then again, think about it. I can attend courses, but I work in shifts. I can go shopping, but I'll feel lonely and I'd just waste money. And I can do sports.......err......let's not even go into that. Maybe you can say I'm giving myself excuses. And maybe you're right. Still, after a whole day's work, I rather be doing other things that what I've just mention.
The problem is, what else can I do?
So, after wasting hours sitting in front of the idiot box, I wasted a few more hours sorting out my CD collection. Then I spent a few more surfing the net aimlessly and reading other people's blog. Like my friend mentioned to me once. When you don't have a life, you read about other people's life.
That line is now getting seriously true by the minute. Its true. It seems like I don't have a life. Still, I'm sure the next time when I look back at this, I'm gonna tell myself, "God, I need more time!!! What on earth was I thinking wasting all that time away!!!?!?"
Yeah. Its gonna bite me in the ass. And its gonna hurt. Bad.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pin Action!

I'm a bad, bad person. That's right.

Let's face it. Somethings people just have to know where to draw the line. And you may ask what I am referring to. In my current context; I'm referring to the Buddy System that I am attached to at work.
There is this particular new recruit that has been under me and a few seniors for quite some time now. And the thing is, we all know she has a good heart. But somehow personally, she's just not cut out to be a customer service officer. Still, she might not be a great customer service officer, but she can be a good one....with LOTS of polishing.
Today, I decided its time to be firm with her. I used to be pretty forgiving and always allowing her to pass calls that I would normally fail. But time and time again, she's been repeating the same mistake after numerous coaching. So, today I was very strict with her and showed her that I really mean business. Its about time she showed some progress. be honest I feel really bad about it. But I figure, it was the only way for her to improve. She might dislike me as a senior. And she might even feel stressed about it. Still, I feel that her complacence is misdirected. Someone just have to be the bad guy.
Anyway, after a stressful day of monitoring her calls. I was off to bowling!!! Something which I have not done in a while. It was great to see all the fellow bowlers again. The feeling of exhilaration of getting a strike is always fantastic. Simply satisfying!
Personally, I didn't fared too well. Hit a high game of 162 and a low of 123, but I feel I could have done better. This is what happens when you were on a hiatus for 3 weeks!
Eventhough bowling might be an....expensive sport, but the atmosphere when everyone is around joking and having a friendly competition is really a destress session for me. No doubt that everytime I bowl I tend to psyche myself up mentally, but its good mental training I guess. The pressure, satisfaction and comadarie is something that I look forward to everytime. In some way, bowling is one of the few good things that I really enjoy in Singapore. However, its still an expensive hobbie.
When we're bowling, one of my managers always seem to crack the best jokes. Earlier on, there was this new bowler Michael who did really well initially. Then after a while, his game started to puncture. Immediately my manager yelled at him, "Michael!!!! Take out and use your strikes!! No need to keep for tomorrow wan!!!". Wahlan, I couldn't stop laughin when I heard it.
This if course is the master in action! My slut bro!!! One of the top bowlers in Team Hungry Turkey. He packs a mean hook and he has a bowling ball with a skull! Don't play play!!! When ever his hook ball hits a, simply beau-teeeee-ful!!! The pin reaction is just awesome. How I wish I can bowl like that.
=) Anyway, I know I gotta UP my game. Will definately be looking forward to next week's training session again. So happy I'm on morning shift this 2 weeks!
Strike ah!!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005


Its really no secret where I work. That's right folks, I work in a call center in a local telco. I guess by now, many of you also have figured out which telco it is. Hence, many nights have I posted up entries bitchin about what kinda customers I get. Morons, imbeciles, name it. I had them all. And most of them complaining about how "loyal" they have been to the telco and it always ends up in the same dispute. Money.
Its if about not paying their bills, its about freebies. Thats basically my job. Serving assholes.
HOWEVER.......once in a while there is a rainbow on the otherside of the clouds.
Recently, I have been reading up on Hardwarezone's forum. Occasionally I read the forums cos these people really know what they are talking about! Salutes!
Anyway, I came across this particular forum condemning...non-other than the company I work in. There it was....this guy. Complaining about how the telco cheats his money and how "loyal" he was over the years. Yeah.....noble, huh? The more I read it...the more pissed off I got. It is these idiots that I attend to everyday. Not only he wasn't shameful of having an outstanding amount of $300, but he made it sound like the telco owes him!!!
But wadya' know........I was genuinely "touched" by the respondents of that post. No doubt that not many were fans of my company; but most of them stood up against this fella. They, in returned started to condemn the fella for not paying his bills on time and how he argued his case! I like the part where this particular guy mentioned that its only right that the company suspended the fella's mobile line as he did not pay his bills. It is something owed and not something he did not use. Its just business.
Anyway, those of you reading this, might want to pay HardwareZone a visit. From a CSO's point of view....its definately a refreshing and motivating read. Its good to know you have supporters out there.
HardWareZone have my utmost respect!!!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hungry Turkeys BBQ/Chalet 2005

Last night, the Hungry Turkeys had its BBQ night at the Pasir Ris Chalets. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Hungry Turkeys, or have not heard of the name before, it is actually the name of the bowling team in my my office (Don't ask me on how we got our name....but from a bowling perspective, Turkeys are always a good thing)

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For the past 4 to 5 months, the Hungry Turkeys have taken part in the Rotary International League where corporate teams take part in a bowling competition on a weekly basis. Hence, the amusing thing was every time a bowler manages to bowl a turkey (3 strikes in a row for men and 2 strikes in a row for ladies), they win a chicken.

Yeah, you heard me right. Poultry. Chicken. Raw. Uncooked.

So, at the end of the league......the Hungry Turkeys manage to bag 13 CHICKENS!!!!!!!

And now here we are......BBQ-ing most of the chicken. And we even had enough for curry chicken as well.

Overall, we really had alot of fun last night. Its been a while since I stuffed myself silly. We had beehoon, satays, tonnes of otah, sweet potatoes, salad, stingray, satay rice balls and also a cabinet full of junk food.

Of course, I was dead tired through out the night. I went there straight after work and it has been a long long day for me. Working 5 days straight in a call center is really no joke. With inconsistent shift timings, I have to force my body to change its biological clock almost everyday. And not to mention the meal timings. Sometimes I will had lunch as early as 11.30pm, and the next day I will have lunch as late as 1.30pm.

So, you can imagine.....on one had I was so sleepy, and on another hand I was seriously hungry!!! I was thinking how nice if I could eat and sleep at the same time....hehehe.

Oh well, in the end of everything, the BOSS, Team Captain and our Hot-Shot bowler all gave a short speech to wrap things up. And later everybody moved into the chalet for some mahjong and tai-ti sessions. For me, I thought of going home......but then, one of my managers wanted to share a cab with me...but he wanted to finish his mahjong first.

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Of course, I was fine with it. I got to play around with my video cam (with some incriminating footage!! Hahhahaha) and chat around with my other colleagues....which I have not done for quite sometime now.

Finally, I got home about 2am and..........I just woke up and its 4.30pm......and 10kg heavier *grins*

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Women are Emotional, Men are Insensitive

Disclaimer: As usual, the ramblings of the author is purely based on the author's observations; if the following entry offends or hurt anyone's feelings.....just too bad la.

Well, that settles the formalities.

Lately, I have been taking notice of a few things. Long has man and women try to understand each other and for many eons, everybody has seemed to fail. Now, I'm not trying to say that I have solved this age old question that our fore-fathers couldn't; but I have realised that women in general are emotion and men are insensitive.

It is not that women and men are intentionally emotional and insenstive, but its just part of our genome/nature. I mean, think about it....I'm sure you'd agree when most women accuse men for being too insensitive (and I guess some women would even say men are incompetent.....but....errrrr.... lets not go into that) and men complain women are too emotional.

I have observed some women breaking down into tears for no good reason, or flaring up at the slightest instances. I have been a witness to such occurances. Trust me, I had front-row seats. Thats when it dawned upon me that women are emotional. No matter how ice-cold and un-warm they appear to be; deep down inside they are seriously emotional. But the thing is, some hide it well, some can't. In short...sometimes I think women are fragile. That's when men have to be abit.....tactful.

Then again..... this is the greatest irony of the are insensitive; naturally.

And for myself, I am no exception. I have experienced this personally. I will not hide the fact that sometimes I can insenstitive. However, the thing is...again, it is not intentional. Sometimes when I am too caught up with what I am doing, or when my mind is pre-occupied, I might end up saying the wrong things. Or worst....sometimes men just don't know "what" to say and..... ends up saying something insenstive....of course to women; this means we ended up saying something stupid.

Still, the whole jist of it is that never have men wanted to offend/hurt women's feelings intentionally. don't mean it.

Being insensitive might not be neccesary be a good nor bad thing. Neither is being emotional for women. Like I've said, its in our genes. But then again, I'm no psychologist or genetics sceintist.

So, the question is, what can we; as men and women do to something that has been around for centuries? We can't change over night, right?

I have only 2 things to say. Patience and TONNES of Understanding. If we can try to understand atleast the fact that - women are emotional and men are insensitive; then we would have much more tolerance for each others' flaws. I guess thats why men and women are not created equal and perfect. Nobody's to blame.

Anyway, this whole write up is only my 2¢ worth. I might be a mile. But it's just something that crossed my mind and I'd like to share with everyone.

Peace, yar?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Wild, Wild World of Blogging

Been bloggin for almost a year now; I've only started to notice something recently about blogs. I was so occupied about with my work and all.....I now only started to notice how bloggin has taken the world by storm.

I guess as I am blogging this entry right now, there are millions doing the same as well. Just the thought of the sheer number of blogs out there is seriously stagerring.

Though, some blogs are good and some blogs are bad. But who am I to comment? Still, I also started to notice there are basically 2 types of bloggers out there.

One type is the type that writes what OTHERS want to read...for the sake of popularity I guess - its either that or they just wanna flex thier literary muscles; and of course the other type is the ones who just want to have a little piece of the world wide web to themselves - a keepsake you may call it. An online diary.

In recent months, I have been reading quite a few blogs. And everyone's having a blog these days. From celebrities like Bruce Willis to local Malaysian politicians (opposition party) like Lim Kit Siang. Yeah, I know......I had the same shock and awe expression when I heard it.....a politician?!?!

Anyway, back to the point. There are a few blogs out there that I read religiously at times. And one of them is Xiaxue's. She's basically quite a spunky and rebellious writer. Still sometimes as controversial her articles are....sometimes you just can't stop agreeing with her.

And of course, the other blog I read is Rockson's.

Hmmmm....what can I say about him? For starters, when his blog was first was da BOMB. Everyone was talking about his choice of words. And it was a seriously fun read. And I must also admit, it was something...refreshing. I recommend people to go read his blog. However.....what really annoys me is that, in recent months, there has been other blogs like Rockson's blog appearing on the web like wild mushrooms. Everybody was trying to be vulgar just for the sake of being vulgar! That's the annoying part. They are just basically trying to leach off Rockson's popularity.

Sheesh....but I guess maybe these people are naturally vulgar in the beginning. Rockson just brought out the Ah Beng in them.

Lastly, the blog that I am reading enthusiastically these days is actually from a Malaysian blogger. Anyone ever heard of Kenny Sia?

He is SERIOUSLY funny!!!! Most of the time when I read his blogs I'll be rolling around with laughter! His sense of humour is spot-on and if I'm not mistaken he was awarded for some Asian Best Blog thingy (not too sure on this one). If anyone ever checks out his blog, you MUST check out the entry where he posted a semi-nude pic of himself referring to Sarong Party Girl's blog. Apparently, Sarong Party Gal made a big hoo-haa when she posted a nude pic of herself and was condemn for it. And being an controversial and bold blgger Kenny is........he did the same.

But maybe being a Malaysian myself, I really could relate to his tougue-in-cheek jokes and Malaysian cultural puns.

I hope he doesn't mind, but these are the pics that he has edited recently and posted up his blog. He is a big big fan of Hugo Weaving, but apparently he always confuse Hugo's role as Lord Elrond in Lord of the Rings, and Agent Smith in the Matrix trilogy.

And when I saw these left me in stiches to the extent I had teary eyes! This is Kenny Sia's version if ever he is the script writer for Matrix and Lord of the Rings.

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And this is the ULTIMATE one. Funny to the max!!!!

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

Rotten Cab Drivers!!!

Boy, it has been quite a day and things can't seem to get any better today.....

Woke up today feeling kinda groggy and flu-ish. Been sneezing like mad and my nose feelings like a tap that has sprung a leak!

Nevertheless, I presevered to work and from there has been down hill.

OT today was seriously torturous. If someone ever ask you how it feels like to work 12 and a half hours in a Call Center? Just tell them to put their heads in a washing machine and let it rip......THEN you will feel about 10% from how it feels.


Then after work.....the "real" highlight of the day came. As I thought things couldn't get any trip home was delayed by my cab partner that was doing last minute follow up on some cases she had. So...there I was...sitting there...telling myself...."Never mind...I'm going home soon......*exhale*"

So at the end, about 30 minutes later...I was home. Thank God!!! seems I have to act out one last drama before the day ended......

The taxi corporate card didn't worked. SHIT!!!!!

The stupid cab driver (Mercedez driver mind you!) claims he didn't have a Sales Draft and demanded I pay by cash. I explained to him that my company didn't allow for any cash reimbursments and for situations like this, he has to issue me a sales draft.

So, the idiotic cab driver started to get agitated and frustrated...he started grumbling. Immediately I just asked the asshole.."Hey....what are you so angry about??". He told me, "Time is money la!".

I took a deep breath and just told him calmly, "You think any of us wants this? Its 1AM and both me and you are tired. But nevertheless, we have to solve this prob."

Next, I called up City Cab and explained the prob to them. And you know what? The officer just told me...its a simple prob!!!! All the cab driver needs to do is take down the corporate card info and transfer it over to a Sales Draft when he has access to one!! &^%$%^#@@!!!!

The bugger was going to sucker me into paying by cash!!!! Then, I just confronted the asshole and just explained the situation to him. After that, he just exploded and said, "You go home and sleep la!! I will settle this with my company!"

Fine. I just left and went straight home. Stupid.

Sigh.....I mean....c'mon. Both of us have our problems and we have to deal with them maturely and sensibly. No point getting angry, right??? All I can say is....rude, rude, rude. And to think.....I should be the one screaming at him!! I am the customer!

Whatever it is, I have told myself a long long time ago.....since I've started this job, I will never be a pompous, arrogant and rude customer. If its warranted, everything can be settled in a civilised manner.

Anyway, on a seperate matter....I met up with and ol' ol' friend last night!! Rena!!! We basically met up for a dinner at a Russian restaurant she introduced to me....and let me tell you was GOOD!!!!! The chicken shaslik (some sort of grilled chicken but served in a kebab style) and the borsch soup was excellent! Then later...we strolled around Serangoon Gardens as it was only my second time there. She intro-ed me to some uber cool al-fresco drinking and munchin places. REALLY NICE!!! Definately will want to try all of them out one day....hmmmm...just too bad the place is kinda inaccessable. Not really close to any MRT stations.

Finally, we settled down to have some light refreshments before we went home.
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Though, as usual its good to see Rena again...always manage to chat alot of things non-stop.

She's flyin off to Seoul today for a holiday. Man, I'm green with envy. Always wanted to visit the Land of KIMCHI!!!! Enjoy yourself babe!!!