Monday, December 05, 2005

Past week's round-up

Finally......manage to find some time for myself.

For the past week, I was under the assumption that normally morning shifts I'll have more time to myself compared to afternoon shifts. Wrong.

Seems like no matter how early I finish from work, I have some function to attend or some appointment to keep.

Avarage sleeping time for the past week is around......5 hours per day.

So I guess you can imagine I've been gargling coffee everyday at work just to keep my eyes open.

Still, in terms of work.....not everything is going as smoothly as it used to as before. I have no idea why, but I'm not performing up to par and I even start to feel that I'm overstayed my tenure in the cluster's buddy system.

Do you ever get the feeling that you have worn out your usefulness? Well, there will be a Senior's dinner this coming week. Though, I can't help but to feel like its a farewell dinner for me.

Also, I got into a small tiff with another colleague during one of the briefings we had the other day. It was primarily a briefing regarding the cluster's performance regarding the Sales Thru Service campaign. Apparently, the cluster is not performing as well as the other cluster.....and now, the managers are trying to get feedback from the floor to see if there are any way to improve on the current situation.

I dont know....but for me...looking at a statistical point of view, I feel that the root of the problem is the difference in methodology between the 2 clusters. That's why the disparity is there. However, when I try to put my views across, I was immeadiately shot down by another officer that I was just making excuses for the poor cluster performance.

But the thing is, if we continue to do what we do, and just barge in head-strong with out current methodology....we're never going to catch up on the other cluster.

There is a procedure and solution to every problem. You see a problem. You think of a solution. You formulate a plan. And you see it thru. If there is any problems along the way; you fine tune your procedure to perfection.

But the solution to these people? Simply whack everything until you get it right. Sadly, I must admit....this is the Malaysian way.

To be honest, the colleague that went against me the other day is REALLY starting to piss me off. The way he handled the situation looked to me like it was......personal.

Anyway, enough about work.

I attended the infamous CS Bash the other day. What was expected to be a mediocre department dinner turned out to be one of the most entertaining nights I ever had.

All because of my slut-bro, Franklin.

You see, he was nominate for the CS Mr. Personality pageant. Initially, I was quite worried about the dude as I didnt know how he is going to handle the stage fright. Boy, I was worried for nothing.

On stage, when he was asked, "Why do you think we should choose you as CS Mr. Personality?"

Here are his exact words.......

[He took the mike]
[Stepped up to the crowd....and said]

Is there any girl in this ballroom I haven't talked to before?
Is there any girl in this ballroom I haven't flirted with?
[There were about 100+ girls in the ballroom]
Now, if you don't know me, I'm sure you know my reputation.
It's because......I have sex appeal.

After that.......he literally brought down the house!!!! He has every man's respect in the ballroom and everyone was cheering for him. Some were even shouting, "We're not worthy!!!!!"

Seriously, it was something I have never seen anyone do....ON STAGE! For those few brief moments......Franklin was God among men. And the best part.....what he said about his TRUE!!!!!!! HE HAS flirted with EVERY single one of them!

Here are some of the pics I took with some of the 'gorgeous' babes that night.....

Here's me and the ever-so-lovely Hayati

Here I am with Ellie the Tech-Girl (also from Penang!)

And here are the rest of the CS Rec-Comm members.....

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