Thursday, June 23, 2005


Its one of those nights again.

Can't seem to get any sleep at all. From what I can think of, its either I have been sleeping too much lately, or something's bothering me. And I have no idea what it is.

Its 4.15am now. And I'm wide awake. I have a good feeling that I'll be a walking zombie at work later.

Can't seem to put my mind at ease at all. My thoughts races through my mind at every second. Thoughts of going back to Penang. Thoughts of seeing my friends again. Thoughts of my parents.

Maybe all this was triggered by the news of my friend's passing. I miss the good old days back in Penang. Life was so carefree and all we had was the company of good friends. There were never worries about money, love or career. We were just genuinely happy.

My friends and I would really spend entire days and nights just chatting and talking crap. And the best is....everyone of those talk cock sessions are memorable ones.

We use to have a mantra. C.S.M.P.G. You know what that stands for? Everyone of us from Khans would know.

C.S - Counter Strike (a cybercafe game that we would spend 3 to 4 hours playing everynight)
M - Makan
P - Pondan (me and my friends used to drive by transvestites hang outs and shout at them)
G - Gurney Drive

Hence, it was set forth that everynight we went out, our iteninary would be C.S.M.P.G. We never failed to miss one item. Every outing would consist of these 4 activities before it was known as a complete outing. Normally, we would all meet up at a friend's place....then parked all our cars there. Then later, we moved out in convoys of 2 to 3 cars; all of us packed in our cars making jokes, laughing and talking cock most of the time.

I really love the times where we really had nowhere to go. But just drive around till around 4am mooning the Penang night life.

Yeah...we had FUN. We had ALOT OF FUN. I remembered there was once....we were driving by this particular group of transvestites. My friends wound down the car window, and shouted another friend's name and handphone number, and then started shouting, "Call Me!! Call Me!!!" And also....there was this time when we drove by and stopped for a while. This time it wasn't transvestites, but they were prostitutes. As we were all gawking at them.....suddenly we had the shock of our lives! We saw a friend we knew riding his bike out of the prostitute alley!!!!

It was damn hilarious. From then on, this friend of ours have always been the victim of our jokes and teasing. According to him, he claims he was there for another drive by as well. And we went......yeaaaaaaaaah....riiiiiiiiight...

Man........ I miss those days.

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