Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Yeah...thats's right people...I'm home. And that was my big surprise.

Been planning to come back to Penang for a while now. And since me mum have been hounding me non-stop to come home, I decided to give them a pleasant surprise.

Took a bus from Singapore to Penang on the night of the 16th. I can tell my heart was pounding speedily as I was really excited to see all my family and friends. And I guess.....all that planning and anxiousness was worth it.

As I arrived around 7am, immediately I took a cab back home. And the expression on my family's faces was truly memorable.....hehehe. I am so happy to see everyone. Especially my parents.

So what have I been up to? EAT, EAT and EAT. Yeah.....

That's right people. Ol' Sonny here's gonna put on some S-E-R-I-O-U-S weight. But I'm loving it! Man, I miss good old penang FOOD.

Of course, other than eating I have been hanging out with old pals. One thing to note is that everyone's doing very well these days. Everyone's been chaning to better cars and have been globe trotting around the world with their jobs. I have friends going to Japan, America, Dubai and many many more people.

I'm really glad all my friends turn out well and successful. Really proud to have them as my best friends.

Anyway, I think I better go now....wanna have another FANTABULOUS dinner. Hehehehe...until I get back to Singapore again.....will update on another up and coming...."surprise"



xz said...

Hey hey..i have been so bz w work that I dino you already back in penang...have fun yah!

Anonymous said...

Have fun while u are there :) JJ

Rosalind said...

We must dinner this Thursday..and pig out we will!!!

Anonymous said...

dun eat too much !! later can bowl !

quick get yr a** back and then
back to training ! ;p