Friday, November 05, 2004

Finally, from thoughts to web domain...

Hey there people!

Well, I guess I finally did it. I was contemplating on setting up my own blog-spot for ages and now I finally did it. Many things were going thru my mind when I'm actually doing this..."will I be able to maintain this this?", "Is this just a spur of the moment?", "do I even have the time for this?" or "I'm just so darn bored that I needed something to do, and here I am."

Anyway, after much deliberating, I felt that there wasn't any deliberating to do at all. Just set up the blog you damn friggin' imbecile!! I guess in many ways, atleast at this blog, I kinda get the chance to let off some stuff that have been weighing on my mind and let it be an avenue where I can gripe and whine all I like!! WooOOoOohOoOOo!! So, you have been warned people!! You're gonna have a sneak peek at the psyche of this sick fella here! And it ain't gonna be pretty!!

Oh yeah, to those that don't know me...maybe a brief introduction should be in order. Generally, I'm just your average guy from Penang and now currently working in the Lion City! oh man I miss Penang. Anyhoo, I came here roughly around 1 and a half years ago for a job in a telecommunications company right after college (ahem, so sorry can't really reveal that company's name for now....maybe later) So far, as a true blue Penang boy (never imagined one day I would leave my beloved Penang), coming to Singapore and working here right now have been filled with regret and also happiness. Alot have happened for the past year or so and maybe I have grown up alot. And in many ways, I guess thats the most important thing.

Yikes! Enough of the introductions already! Let's get started!!!

Just for for your info guys, I actually just woke up and I'm already getting the feeling that it's gonna be a loOoOoOOoOoOog day. Have so many things to plan out today. And the first order of the day would be to post out a birthday present to a close friend of mine who's workin in UK. Went shopping the other day and found something that I know she'll just freak out (in a good sense) when she sees it. But the problem is that 1. the item is too god damn big, and 2. the bloody Singpost (erm...that's what they call the post office here in Singapore) is so damn far from my place. So I guess I have my work cut out for me. Thank god its my off day today. Oh yeah, and secondly, there's the corporate dinner that I have to attend tonight. Looks like I'll have to dig out the ol' suit.

Anyway, I guess that's it for today....I'll post more stuff up at my blog when I start to get the hang of blogging and get the ball rollin'! And oh yea, for those who wanna e-mail me for some feedback, feel free to do so. Always welcome good and constructive feedback. But till then...rock on.

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