Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another day, another rant

Here I am again.
This blog of mine is becoming more useful than I would have expected.
I was just talking to a friend today whom just started reading my blog. And immediately his first comment was...."You're very lonely".
I was like, "What the!?!?!!??".
Does my blog give people that impression? Still, he mentioned that not because I update it regularly, but from the entries I write.
In someways, I think he's right. Coming home to an empty house day after day is something I have grown accustomed to. In restrospect, its really different from my life back in Penang. I remember that whenever I go home, there's always someone there.
Be it, mum, dad or my brother....its nice to feel at home. Somewhere you belong. I also remember, whenever I got home, I have to go to my dad's room to wish him; to let him know I'm home. Its a respect sorta thing.
I miss that life. I miss havin a life every morning where I drive to college. I meet up with friends. I run errands or go catch a movie with friends after class. After that, I would go home and take a late afternoon nap and just to wake up in time to have dinner my mum and dad had bought back. Come to think of it, my dad's a real stand up guy. After all this years, he still picks my mum up after work. Then both of them would go have dinner and buy back dinner for me and my brother.
I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of days. My nose is running on the thread mill.....on steroids. Have been chunking down Panadols and Piritons like mad and the recovery is slow. I was so dizzy at work the other day I nearly took a half day MC. But still, I push on. And the worse part? I had 3 hours of additional friggin OT. Initially I thought they would cancel the OT, but assholes were calling in non-stop that I had to actually EXTEND my OT for another half hour!!!!!
When I came home. My whole body was aching from head to toe. I felt like jello and crashed on my bed. I woke up about 2 hours later only to take a bath and some medicine and continued my slumber. However, throughout the night things got worse. My nose was stuffed and I was choking on my own phlegm! I know this might sound gross.....but I was nearly drowned in my own phlegm ok????
I guess thats the bad part about staying alone. As the saying goes, "Die also nobody knows". Atleast I am off today and tomorrow. Give myself some time to recover.
These days I seriously have no mood to work. I go to work dreading every minute of it and I rejoice whenever its my off day. I also use to think that being attached to the Buddy System is fun........but that pleasure is slowly deminishing. The quality of the new recruits coming in are down right LOW. I'm going to say this. The interviewer and the staff hiring these new recruits should be SHOT. TWICE. IN THE HEAD. And I mean it!
I'm really struggling with the new recruits and they are seriously testing my patience. If you make a mistake once, twice or even thrice....its forgivable. But 5 friggin times?!?!?!?! And the same mistake?!?!?! How on earth did these people pass the interview??????
Don't get me wrong. These new "kids" are realli nice people. Sincere and earnest. But they are just not cut out for the job. I do not see an ounce of customer service in them.
All I can say is this. If this continues and we continue to employ CUSTOMER SERVICE staff like this. God be with us. And God especially have to be with my company. Cos when the seniors are gone (rumors are running wild that the really good and capable seniors are leaving).............thats the end of it.


Anonymous said...

wooh, it's good news to hear all the capable seniors are leaving, leaving your company to rot... hahaha

Anonymous said...

take care of yourself ....

at the end of the day...the whole damn organization is a freaking time bomb waiting to be blow up at this rate they are going....