Friday, November 25, 2005

Can I kansel my "ling tung"??

Yeap......I'm back at work.
And this is the crap I come back to.
Received a call today. It was a girl who wanted to cancel one of her caller ring tones services. And there she was.....the 2 words that made my day.
Can I kansel my "ling tung"?
I was laughing my balls off when I ended the call.
Its been a 6 days hiatus from work. And whenever I come back from a long break, I usually feel refreshed and rarring to go. However, this time is different. I still feel stale from the job and its a chore just to wake up everyday to go to work.
Seems like something's trying to tell me something.
Anyway, I really enjoyed myself tremendously when I was back in Penang. Starting to really feel how GREAT friends I have.
Average sleeping time per day turned out to be about 4 hours a day. No doubt that many of my "brothers" had work the next day.....but night after night, they accompanied me till 4am. Catching up, chatting, sipping coffee at Sega Fredo's (a real fantastic place - will post up pics pretty soon).
Other than that, I left Penang with a heavy heart. With so much to miss and loved ones to leave behind, I find it so difficult to say my goodbyes again.
But one thing I am seriously happy about is that.....I didn't come back alone........haha...
I came back with a new "wife". I shall be introducing her to the world pretty soon. Wahahahahahahahahah.
Anyway, being back in Penang gave me an opportunity to really catch up with the Alternative Music scene.
I used to be a serious fan of Alternative music. But ever since I came to Singapore, I kinda lost touch as Singapore seemed to commercialise Mando-pop more.
So ladies and gentlemen, if your asking me what music am I listening to these days? I simply cant get enough of these 5 tracks!!!!!~
Collective Soul - Run
Fort Minor - Believe Me
James Blunt - You're Beautiful
Low Millions - Eleanor
Switchfoot - You

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