Sunday, November 06, 2005

Better than your average Sunday

And here I thought it was going to be a boring day......

Well, I'm glad to report it aint all that bad!

Was suppose to be working today, but apparently I had to clear my National Day OIL. So I guess, I had not much choice but take leave today. Personally, given a choice, I'd rather use the OIL on some other day.

Anyway, like I've mentioned, I thought it was mostly going to be another boring Sunday at home. But then....I decided to take on a small little project that I have been putting off for quite some time now. I cant actually disclose what I was up to, but it dealt with some tech stuff and I spent the entire day trouble shooting it! It was fun. The moment I got it to work, i felt DAMN SATISFIED.

So far, it has been quite an interesting week for me. Time really passed by quite fast and I finally had my year-end appraisal done! I was dreading it all this while as it supposedly will determined my bonus!!~ I really have to admit, the bonus given out by my company is one of the best in Singapore. Hence, tensions ran high and thats why you can see how important this appraisal is to me.

Still, I guess it went well. The only thing that I wasn't really comfortable is that this year's appraisal was actually done by a new manager that just joined us about 2 to 3 mths back. In a way, this manager couldnt have known the work I have done thruout the past year and how could he give an accurate appraisal? Though, I guess the consolation was that I was informed the bottom line of the appraisal was done thru a collective consideration of ALL the managers.

Guess I can't argue with that.

In the end, I am quite satisfied with the review. But read me right. QUITE satisfied, not satisfied.

As usual, I was having my TV dinner again. On air was DareDevil. Its been a while since I saw this movie and I guess its just another one of those pop-corn movies that defies logic. However, what came to mind was the controversy that this movie caused years back when it was released. I remember the Malaysian government banned this movie as it had the word "Devil" in the title. Being a Muslim country, it cant be helped. I still think its a ridiculous idea to ban the movie, but its funny to see the movie being shown here....on TV!

You gotta love Singapore. And you know whats even more hilarious? I bought the original DareDevil VCD in Singapore but sadly the only one allowed to be sale is the censored version. But now the one airing on TV is the un-censored version!!!! What the?!?!!?!?!?! about ironic!

Lastly, I would like to say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to 2 very special gals in my life!!!!!

Joanne & Cassie!!!!!!

:) I have a strange feeling that I have an affinity with people who are born on the 6th of November. The latter is a sister I never had and the former is one of the closest and special person I have come to known in this world. Too bad I can't celebrate her birthday with her. She's in Shanghai now for training.

Anyhoo....Happy Birthday GIRLS!

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