Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Heart to Heart

Work today turned out to be quite bearable.
Eventhough that we're not in Buddy System anymore, but me, Alvin and Alan ended up seating together. And as usual, time passed by very fast even when the 3 of us had OT after work.
Guess time really flies when you have good company to talk cock around.
However, the highlight of the day came when I was logged out for a brief few hours to have a one to one coaching session with one of my managers.
It was the usual monthly performance review. However, this time around, I was assigned to a different manager, Mei Ling.
She has all along been one of the managers taking care of my cluster, but I was never assigned to her for micro-management performance review. You see, in my company, every CSO is rotated between different managers every few months.
To my surprise, she was really nice and she really wanted to get to know how I was doing all this while. And....for that brief one hour, I was able to open up and talk about whats on my mind.
It can be seen that she cares alot for the staff. But whats more obvious is that she really want whats really best for us. She knows that many of us are really capable and knows that we can go much much further if we were to leave this current job. However, at the same time.....she doesnt want to lose us at all.
In the end, I felt a small amount of burdened being lifted off my chest after the one to one coaching session. I shared with her some of my experiences after coming to Singapore to work.
Like I've said before....there are many things I hate about my current job. But one thing's for sure. I will never find managers as nice as the ones I have one. Thats one thing I will take away with me if I ever leave the company.
Basically this week, I'll be working 4 days straight back to back. And its one day down after today; so, its 3 days left.
Whats more, tomorrow I'll be meeting up with an old colleague for dinner. Atleast, its something for me to look forward to I guess.......

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