Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The River

Recently alot of things have been going through my mind.

One being that I'm wasting my time. And I feel that I should be doing something else.

Today is my off day. Unusually, I'm not in office working the OT shift. I was so pre-occupied with so many things that I forgot to apply for OT. And hence, on days like this...when I'm at home slacking. I feel that I'm really wasting my time. All I do is eat, sleep and watch TV the entire day. And the problem is, I don't know what to do with all the time I have. Somewhere in my mind, I feel that this is not what a successful person should be doing.

Normally for people who are capable and successful, every minute of their time is invested in some self-improvement course or planning and startegising their future wealth making ideas. For me......I'm plain lazy. One day I guess....laziness and procrastination will be the death of me.

Subsequently, I also don't know where my job is leading me. Been thinking alot about my current job. The prospect seemed bleak and uncertain. But sometimes I kid myself and start to give myself false hope. I always tell myself....if I don't get out of this job anytime soon....I'll have to see it through to the end. If I put in 100% into it...maybe one day I can make it big in the call center industry. Then again, I also think that with the kinda of 100% effort I put into it....I can achieve so much more in another job.

Still, I keep on telling myself life is full of surprises and unexpected twists. I believe there are better things in store for me if I'm patient. And all things will come by itself and fall into place. Somebody once said this to me, "Only worry about how you are going to cross the river when you get to the river. Only then, you will know what to do." Complacent as it may sound, I find that its a good advice. When the time comes, I'll know what to do.

Oh yeah....and finally my articles have been published in the company newsletter. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised with a complimentary letter for one of my articles. Apparently, I was told that the article I wrote was bold and humorous..... I was really happy about it.

A friend even joked to me that I should quit my current job and start my career as a columnist. Sheesh...must say that the thought of that has never really entered my mind. I have never taken my writing seriously and I write for the fun of it. And also, I know for a fact that I'm not that good. I know my own level of writing and I still have a long long long way to go~~~!

So, for now...I'll continue my struggle with my current job. And when I come to the river, I will then face the problem of crossing it....and I know a solution will soon present itself.

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