Saturday, May 14, 2005

Start date: 1977, End date: 2005

Long, time a go, in a galaxy far far away......sounds familiar?

Well, this introduction line has its resonance in history. And it all started from a movie that began almost 20 years ago....


Finally!!! The 3rd installment of the Star Wars saga is now here and I have already bought the movie tix to the preview sceening on the 18th!!!!!! Star Wars fanboys, eat your hearts out!!!!!

I seriously can't wait. As a fanboy myself, I have always loved Star Wars. From the very first movie, Episode 4: A New Hope, I have been watching and hooked on to Star Wars ever since. I must admit, at that point of time, I feel that Luke Skywalker was a bloody sissy....and the only character that was on everyone's mind is Darth Vader a.k.a Anakin Skywalker a.k.a Luke's dad. And this guy really has mental issues. I mean, this guy is pure evil personified. Just think about it.....there has never been another villian like him in history of movie making. This guy could scare the shit out of you just by the the sound of his breathing!! And you don't even have to see him yet! I'm sure every Storm Trooper knows what I mean. With his infamous Death Choke, many many Imperial Officers or Storm Troopers will shiver with just the sound of his breathing. This guy really give asmathic patients something to cheer about.

Here's the chronology of the Star Wars Saga.

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Looking back at Episode 4, 5 and 6, you will notice that sometimes the costumes and digital effects are kinda corny....but from the help of the illustrious George Lucas, he has re-released the box-set of the first trilogy in all its glory. Then again, some would really ask...why did he start the saga from Episode 4? Isn't that stupid? Well, I'd say George was a genius. He started off Episode 4 for the primary reason that he simply didn't have the cinematic technology to start filming Episode 1. Instead, he started Episode 4 off so brilliantly that you didn't realli need the first 3 episodes. And when you get to Episode 6, you're just dying to see the first 3...cos you want to know how it all began.

From a broader perspective, Star Wars really have its inclinations with the world today. We can learn many things about it. Ultimately, its a fight between good and evil; the Jedis and the Sith Lords. The Force and the Dark Side. And its a story of only 1 man to be exact. Luke Skywalker? No. Anakin Skywalker.

Many enthusiats initially got the wrong idea that the whole saga was all about Luke Skywalker. But actually the story revolves around his father. From episode 1, it has all about how Anakin was found, joined the Jedi Order, succumb to the Dark Side....and at last found his way back with the help of his son.

Man oh man....I'm really damn excited about watching it on this 18th. I simply can't wait!!!! Everyone knows Star Wars. Its a household name. Its a religion (Its true! have read in a forum that some people think that the Force actually exists!). Its an epic. Its a way of life. And the lightsaber? Up till today....the coolest weapon ever fictionalised!!!! There is non other like it! Whenever you see a Jedi whip it out on screen with that zhhhaauuuuuu sound effect, sheer excitement! You know for sure that they're gonna do something cool with it.

But if you haven't heard of Star Wars before....please, I beg you. Shoot yourself. In the head. Twice.

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