Thursday, May 26, 2005

Wake up, old man...

1. Exhaustion
2. Lethargy
3. Inaccurate strokes
4. Blurry vision

Ladies and gentlemen, the above are the symptoms of a person who has not played badminton for the past 2 years.

Sigh....I'm getting old and out of shape.

Today I took part in the company badminton tournament in the mixed doubles category. Initially it was really a frustrating start to the game when I can't seem to get my shots right and I keep on making silly mistakes.

And it also doesn't help to feel exhausted after just 30 minutes of playing the first match. Man, I'm seriously out of shape. From the days of hiking up Pantai Keracut, organising traning camp and not sleeping for 3 days......I'm seriously out of shape. I can already tell that tomorrow morning I'm gonna have a tough time waking up for work. Damn, shouldn't have applied for OT.

But later on, when I played the next match, I started to get my game going and my strokes back in form. But it was already too late. The co-ordination between me and my partner was off and the other team capitalised on that. Before we knew it, we were already ousted from the competition.

Still, with all said and done.....I really enjoyed myself. Its been a long long time since I played badminton and I missed it alot. Its the rush and you can feel the adrenaline pumping with every stroke. I remember when I used to play it so much that my body will react and move by itself when the shuttle-cock is served back at my direction. The mind doesn't think...its just sheer insticnts.

Looks like I'm far, far, far from the level I used to play. But what the heck!! long as I enjoy the game.

Hmmmmm....talking about badminton; I also miss the time when I used to watch the Thomas Cup finals on TV every time its played. I remember the heroes and the legends of yesteryear which really made me love the game so much. There was also this once where me and my dad went to watch a live Malaysian Open at the Penang PISA stadium. I was so excited about it I was like a kid! But nowadays, the current Malaysian players really.........errr....cannot make it.

However, one thing's for sure. I really have to go on a diet and do more excercise!!!! Time to get those endorphines pumping!

Time too wake up, old ain't that old.

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