Wednesday, April 13, 2005

6th Sense - The heart

"An angel's smile is what you sell. You promise me heaven, you put me through hell."
~Bon Jovi~

Bon Jovi is a genius. There's more truth to that phrase than we'll ever know. And I found out the hard way.

Was browsing through some of my old pics with my ex. And until today, looking at her; I can't help to feel a certain softspot for her in my heart. But then again, I also can't believe a girl like that is also capable of doing the things she have done. Again, I shall not go into that.

Still, I guess this teaches us the valuable lesson; and true to the cliched tag line, "never judge a book by its cover"......or, "beauty lies in the eye of the beholder." My ex was the epitome for these two phrases.

Its really unbelievable. She is indeed a really beautiful gal. And I must admit any guy would fall to his knees with the sight of her angelic smile. No boubt about it. But when I found out what lies beneath all that exterior, I couldn't not believe even an ounce of it. I could not believe a person's looks could be so different from their personality.....One could not stop to wonder, how is this ever possible; a person who looks like that is incapable of doing those things. Its simply ridiculous.

However, in the end, I guess one could not run away from the truth. I am constantly reminded of the things she has done....things I can never forget. And to think I even thought there was a time she has changed. Little did I know how foolish I was to have thought of this. That's why, I guess it makes things better if I just close my eyes and see her through my heart but not my eyes. That way, it won't be inconceivable to accept the fact that she is......perfect outside, "different" inside.

Even so, to a certain extent, I do not blame her for being the person that she is. There was even a point in my life, I accepted all that and I loved her for her. In the heart of it, people's personality are molded by their past personal experiences, peers, and influence from all around. My ex had a tough past...though that's what she told me so. Consequently, in a way thats why she has become the person she a certain extent.

You see, the human conciousness is very powerful. Most of the time I feel humans in general knows exactly what they are doing. When come across a dillema, we always have a choice. And my ex either chose poorly, or she is just simply committed her wrong doings because...she conciously wanted to. Make sense?

Anyway, I guess the lesson for the day is.....the world would be a better place if we can see others with our heart, but not what our eyes tell us. Sadly, not many people can do this. Humans are very superficial beings. Nobody can deny that. Our eyes only want to see the sight beautiful things.

Sigh.....think its time for me to get lunch and then get ready for OT later.

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