Friday, April 01, 2005

To err is human, to forgive...divine

If the above is true, then I'm afraid that...I will never have divinity.

Its 6.30am, and its one of those nights...or shall I say mornings, that I can't sleep. My thoughts have been filled with anxiety and confusion that I don't know what to do anymore.

What does one do when he/she is hurt, wronged and taken advantage of? Would we pick ourselves up and just consider it a lesson learned? Or do we get even? Deep inside my heart, I wanna get even. However, that would be an irrational thing to do. I've tried telling myself, let bygones be bygones and forget about the whole matter. But I guess the problem is....I can't forget the matter. It lingers in my mind like a disease - a constant headache that will never go away.

The question it alright to feel vengeful? "An eye for and eye, makes the world go blind", thats what they say.

To me, its one of those big freaking laws of the universe that is so cocked up. On one hand, we're taught not to be hateful and vengeful and to forgive those who have wronged you. But on the other hand, the world has taught us, when someone pushes push back! Don't take shit from anyone, and when it comes to survival of the fittest.....people need to be taught a bloody good lesson.

Sigh.....the problem is, if someone have wronged you, and eventually they repent and knows the error of their ways, then I guess we should forgive...but lest not forget so easily. But what if that someone don't even know what they are doing is wrong? And they worst part? They are arrogant about their actions. All they care about is themselves......their own happiness. Then....should we be the one to teach them a lesson? But risk being condemn as a vengeful person? OR, should I be just a nice guy and forget about it? Then again, nice guys always finish last. Realistically speaking, nice guys in this world never gets anywhere. As far as I'm concerned, nice guys always ends up as a door-mat. They're pushovers, they let everyone else step on them. Maybe its time to be the bad guy, huh?

I asked a person before, why did she do the things she does.....without thinking of the implications of her actions. All she could say was..."I just want to be happy". I can never once thought of an answer good enough to reply that statement....until now. You know what I think of that statement? That is an answer of a selfish child.

I wonder how many people in this world are able to forgive and forget. How many people in this world, can just take all the shit and injustice and just sit down and believe in karma? How many can just find peace of heart when he/she has been screwed over and over and over again. HOW MANY?

In this world we live in, people can sometimes get away with everything. They end up happy and getting what they want by screwing everyone over. Does the thought of that pisses you off? And when you have what it takes to get you do it? These people seem so happy......and would you deny them that happiness and teach them a lesson?

Sigh.....I'm ranting and crapping again. The thing is, when someone hurts you, you just get this feeling that you wanna get them back....where it hurts the most.

I guess, divinity eludes me.

We men are wretched things.


Anonymous said...

hi sonny, every human makes mistakes, tat's true..but not every human realises the mistakes tat they make, lesser human admits the mistakes tat they make, and even lesser humans repents abt wat they've done..there are even some who tinks they didnt do anything wrong at all thou everything they do is wrong..
feelin vengeful is only normal, as to whether whether u wan to forgif and forget depends on wat the person hav done to u and wat kinda person u really are...understand urself!
"people who are nice to u, treat them nicer, pple who are bad to u, treat them worse", this sounds cruel, but this is REALITY...and this is also how i protect myself ever since young due to my family background...
if the person is really so bad, revenge might not be such a bad thing aft all. if "killin" (i'm not askin u to really kill the person!!) one saves a million, y not?!
i'm sure u know who am i by now and prob u had enuf of my craps already but i once asked some1 y she do wat she's doin, and the reply is "i jus wan to protect myself". hope u get wat i mean.

Rosalind said...

Hi Sonny Boy,

I've got alot to say but nah, u probly have heard it all but one thing I do hope u could do is to give yourself a chance to let it go and heal.

It hurts like hell being in such a position and tru such a situation, but I believe it opens your eyes to "see" people in many ways.

Some ppl are just hard-up blockheads and some are pure nice. We'll all bump into these idiots and angels one day, some day....


Anonymous said...

Love isn't always the way you want it to go. There comes a time you just want to pin point down with the big man above for giving you such a shitty pain or for not making you the perfect person for the special one. You may hate yourself, hate the person, hate the world, feel miserable...but hey you'll survive and you'll in the end thank the person who hurt you so bad because at the end of the become a better stronger person.
Forget about being revengeful because as they say, what goes round in a circle will come in future she'll receive back the pain she once gave you. So to hell with her. Move on...there's plenty more fishes in the ocean!....eerrr but you better get them fast before another Tsunami hits!! hahahahha

Hang in There

Blur Dugong