Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Pool Impaired

*yawns* Been sleeping non-stop for the past few days...and I'm still feeling exhausted.

I literally slept through my Sunday waking up around 3pm. After that, got up to get some grub....and then, went back to sleep. Further, work on Monday didn't help at all too. Sheesh....need some serious R&R.

Still, time flew by on Monday. Was stuck on so many cases and at the same time, I was logged out for about an hour to jack on a call of another fellow officer. So I guess, for me it was a brief break while I did some QC work. Its kinda fun actually. I had to jack on other officer's calls from time to time to ensure the officers sounded "professional". I mean, in terms of data, information and procedures, most of the officers in my office knows what they're doing. But I guess after a while in this job, certain officers tend to take short-cuts....they become lazy and complacent. When this happens, the quality and the professionalism of the call deteriorates. And further, some officers are just plan rude.

But the best part of the day is actually what happens later. Apparently, when I signed up to be the Vice Captain of my Rec-Comm house, I didn't know what I was getting into. Initially, as I was reluctant to take on the role of Vice Captain, I was in-charge of rallying officers to take part in various competitions. Seeing I was really into bowling, I took part in it instantly. But now.......comes the pool competition. Seems like nobody was interested!!!

Ultimately, guess who was "selected" to join the pool competition? ME. And boy am I pissed about this. I mean, just because I'm the Vice Captain of the house; now I have to be the sacrificial lamb to the slaughter. I seriously can't play pool! Let's just put it this way, if all the pool players in my company came together in a village....I'd be the village idiot. I'm born naturally bad and impaired to the cue stick and ball. I have no co-ordination at all.

Sigh....so, at the end, I have to stay back in office everyday to learn how to play pool. And its gonna be a really tight crash course seeing that the pool competition is only 4 days away. Talk about pressure.

One thing for sure, I think its gonna be damn humiliating. All I'm hoping for is that atleast I can shoot a straight ball.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dun worry !
you can make it one !
like what i mentioned on monday morning during breakfast !
Orh Orh zhi tar, kua teo, teo par !