Monday, April 11, 2005

Bad hair day

I hate bad hair days. No matter how you comb your hair, it never gets into shape and the way you want it to be. Unfortunately, its not a dress-down day, or else I'll be covering my stupid hair with a cap.

Despite that, today actually proved to be quite an interesting day. The calls we had at work today was fast and furious. Within the first half of the day, I already attended to more than 60 calls. Imagine that. And at the end of the day, I chalked up an all time high of 150 over calls. Madness!!! Can't ever imagine why so many morons decided to call in on the same day. Sigh....with my job, you'll start to realize how many morons are there in Singapore. Take my word for it, the numbers will baffle you.

Still, with the amount of calls pouring in, the day went on pretty fast. I was seated next to a really nice colleage which made the day a lil' bit more bearable. And I felt so comfortable with the pace of the calls; for the first time in my working career, I "volunteered" for OT after shift. So, all in all, I worked a total of 11 hours straight today. Serving and talking to Singapore's best morons and idiots. Bring it on....

Moving on, I was then approached by another officer to join the editorial committee for the department's monthly newsletter. Initially I was pretty reluctant and hesitant.

You see, when it comes to writing, I only like to write stuff that interest me. I don't really have the spark to write articles that I have no interest at all. Normally I find myself with writer's block and I would end up writing crap. Literally CRAP.

But oh well, at the end; I agreed to it. I guess I'm game for anything so long as it takes me away from my day to day work, engaging the limits of the intellect and mentality of Singapore's "finest".

In a nut shell, it was a pretty good day. Now lets just hair straightens out tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a col blog, I like your stories and pictures!!!

- Jan