Monday, April 18, 2005

Big Brother I.R.A.S

Enough of procrastination. I have finally filled my income tax with Big Brother IRAS. I know, i know, I'm late. But trust me, half the time, I didn't know what I was doing at all. Erm....make that, all the time. Had really no clue or any idea how to navigate around IRAS's e-filing website and all I can do is pray hard that amongst all the random clicking, I did it correctly. For my first year filling my income tax returns, you can literally see all the question marks popping around my head.

God please show me the light!!!!

Oh well. Whats done is done. Anyway, went to catch a movie today. Was pretty spontaneous actually. Marcel and I got off work around the same time, and we thought we would just go have a quick dinner before we went home. But as we got to Jurong Entertainment Center, we realized that we were just in time for a viewing of The House of Fury. And to be honest? I enjoyed the show!!! I know alot of people will think that this movie is really some B-Grade movie, and in some way, its true. Still, for me, I think the whole idea about watching movies is to enjoy yourself. The movie doesn't have to be deep or realistic, it just have to be fun! I just luuuurve popcorn movies.

I have to admit, the whole concept of the show is pretty corny, but the choreographics was really impressive and the dialogue was really well written. And of course, can't complain about the purty purty actors and actresses.

Especially Gillian Chung!!!! PheeeEEEeeEEw-WeEEEeeEt!!!!

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Sigh =)

Errr....okay, concentrate. Back to my blog.

Been checking on my weblog traffic lately and I'm really surprised by it! Never would I have thought that anyone would take the time to read the crap I write, but I even have readers leaving comments! Geee....I would really like to thank all my friends who have supported this blog site of mine (hmmmmm, why suddenly I am getting this really lame feeling like I'm giving an Oscar winning acceptance speech?). Hehe...anyway people, keep the comments coming!!! Really appreciate them!

And oh Jan. To answer your question about my preference in music genres? Well, I love almost all genres of music I guess. But of course, all things must be taken in moderation. And a large part of it also depends on my mood. I really love listening to music that I can associate with...and reflects the way I am feeling.

Don't you ever feel that sometimes when you're listening to this one particular describes so perfectly the way you feel??? It has so much depth and feeling to it, its like the song, music and lyrics is expressing your emotions.

And I think, the flavour for tonight is.....the smooth soothing sounds of R&B. Feel good music....Johnny Gill - My My My


Anonymous said...

Your blog has become my daily entertainment while in the office. Keep it interesting.
Blur Dugong

Anonymous said...

hiii me n kiat think u really have a flair for writing lei..:) can consider switching jobs liaos hehe but to do it as a job i know is no fun than doin it for leisure rites :) fr chinsc...:P

Anonymous said...

waaaa, how come i see an OPID here???? is this proxi???? ^_^