Thursday, October 27, 2005

Stormy Night in Singapore

Jeez.....its really getting rough out there.

In my 2 years in Singapore, not too sure why, but I think tonight's storm is one of the worse I've seen. And I mind you....its not heavy rain okay??? Its a storm!

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There's a thunder clap every few seconds and the sky seems to be flashing non-stop with lightning before the thunder. If I was a paranoid sceince geek, I'd think that the Martians have landed!! Err...then again...I am a*ponders*

Still, from my house I can hardly see whats beyond 200 to 300 meters in front of me. The constant rumble of the thunder is so loud that I can hardly hear myself think. In many ways....back in Penang, if any storm like this occurs; definately there are some parts that will be flooded. But I guess it does bring back memories.

I used stay at this particular area in Penang that floods occasionally occurs whenever there's a heavy rain. I remember seeing some kids bringing out some barrels playing around with it in the flood. They would run on it on the floating barrels and have themselves one hell of a time.

Anyway, must admit that today has been a productive day. Got alot of things done considering I only slept around 5 hours.

Last night, I came home around 4am after having another yummi-licious supper with Cassie after work. I was woken up this morning by a call from office. Apparently, the Service Level has crashed badly and they need people to go back for some OT. And with only 5 hours of sleep, I don't think going back to answer frustrating and idiotic calls is a good idea.

Reluctantly, I "regrettably" rejected the OT.

Anyway, I spent the whole day running errands for my new baby...hehehehe.... Got myself a new 3G phone (more on this phone in my next post....after I'm done playing around with it)!!!!!! Went to one of my favourite places in Singapore. SIM LIM aka TECH HEAVEN!!!!!!!

Wahahahahahahahahaahah!!!! I have no idea why, but the place always turns me on. I was there on "official" business as I needed to get an RS-MMC card for my new baby (if you have no idea whats that.....shoot yourse......oh wait. I'm being mean. just means more memory).

After hunting around for almost an hour, I finally found what I wanted and damn.....I had a smile so wide that will put Aerosmith to shame. Hehe...what did I tell you about boys with toys?

Well, by the time I was done with things, I was so caught up in Sim Lim that I only had my lunch at 4pm!!!!

But its nice to be among society again. Normally for me, it would be routine to just laze around at home on my off days. Its nice to see people going about their business and realli see the culture of Singaporeans. Seems like in Singapore, my life only revolves around work. My social life is practically non-existent.

Howeveeeeerrr.....I really have to say this. I didnt realize Singapore had so many PRETTY gals!!!!!!!!! As I don't come out much, my eyes were really wide open today!!!! I was like, "Fuah!!!!! where did all these gals come from?????" - EH....dun roll your eyes when you're reading this k??? I'm still a swingin' bachelor, right? Errr...though I haven't been doing any swingin' these days....*ahem* not that I have before anyway...Heeeee......

Anyway, its really..."refreshing". But then again? Its only pleasant to the eyes; we'll never know there's genuine substance behind their looks.....still...

ShEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeet......I have to get out more.


Anonymous said...

its "mini tsunami" out there!

i couldnt even see the front car when i was driving along the expressway!

imagine driving 40km/hr !!


Anonymous said...

haiz don't know if i should say this, while you are enjoying, someone else is worrying.

StealthSunlight said...

sigh, I know what ur talking about. And I feel bad about it. But worry not. I will make amends.I had no idea.